8. Wedding Part (2)

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"Amelia,I knew how truly stunning you are. You're like a vision, a dream come true I really don't want to let you go outside."

Amelia's brow furrowed in confusion at William's words. His voice carried a desperate, even obsession-like desire. She stepped back, startled by the intensity of his stare.

"William, what are you saying?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly. "We should be getting ready for the wedding." It's our wedding; we can't be late."
But William paid her words no heed, his eyes burning with a passion that sent a chill down her spine.

"No, Amelia," he insisted, his voice growing more insistent. "I can't let anyone see you like this. You're too beautiful, too precious to be shared with the world."

Amelia's heart pounded in shock, with a cold sweat breaking out across her skin. This wasn't William; she knew the kind and gentle man she had fallen in love with. This was someone else entirely, someone dark and possessive.
"William, please," she pleaded, her voice barely a whisper. "You're scaring me."

William stepped a little closer to Amelia and wishpered in her ears. "Don't be afraid, Amelia. I was just making fun of you because you looked so nervous."

Amelia, taking a deep breath, whispered, " You really scared me, William. Don't do this again."

As William and Amelia sat in their room, discussing their wedding rituals, the atmosphere was filled with anticipation and excitement. Suddenly, a knock echoed through the room, interrupting their conversation. William glanced at the door, puzzled by the unexpected interruption.

"Who could that be?" William wondered, rising from his seat to answer the door.
Before he could reach the handle, Sarah, his longtime friend, burst into the room with an anxious expression. Her eyes fixed on William, her heart pounding with jealousy and longing.

"Sarah, what are you doing here?" William asked, surprised by her sudden appearance.

Ignoring his question, Sarah, who was intoxicated, shifted her gaze to Amelia, her voice tinged with bitterness as she spoke, "So, the bride-to-be, do you think you deserve William?."

Amelia, taken aback by Sarah's demeanor, exchanged a bewildered glance with William before responding, "Yes,I don't deserve him, but I am fortunate enough to be marrying this man with whom I fell in love."

Sarah's facade of congeniality cracked,
revealing her envy as she shout out, "Love? Or convenience?

Tell me, William, do you love her? But how is this possible? You can't love her. Do you know my heart breaks when I see you with her?"

"Sarah, I never loved you. Only Amelia is meant for me."

Tears welled up in Sarah's eyes as she heard William never love her, unable to bear the sight of the happiness she longed for slipping through her fingers. "I curse you, Amelia; you will never be happy with him," she muttered, her voice choked with emotion.

William's patience wears out, and he calls for his secretary, James, who is waiting outside.

William, (coldly) James, please escort Sarah to the guest room and ensure she doesn't cause any further disruptions.

James nods and gently guides Sarah out of the room as she shoots one last venomous glance at Amelia.

Later, in a dimly lit room, Sarah sits alone, her anger boiling beneath the surface. The door creaks open, and William enters, his expression dark and foreboding.

William: (icily) You've caused enough trouble, Sarah. It ends now.

Sarah, I won't apologize for speaking the truth, William. She doesn't deserve you.

William's demeanor changes as he strides towards Sarah, his fists clenched.

William, (menacingly) You will pay for your insolence, Sarah. No one threatens my happiness and gets away with it.

Sarah's eyes widen in fear as William's true intentions become clear. He grabs her roughly; his grip feels like iron as he inflicts his wrath upon her.

William, (cruelly) today you will regret that you have ever loved me.

Sarah's cries echo in the room as William's torture continues, his anger and resentment fueling his brutality.

The scene fades to black as Sarah's screams fill the air, leaving behind an unsettling silence and the echoes of William's cruelty.

Hours later, as the sun begins to set, William stands at the altar of the beautifully decorated church in his wedding suit, but there is a darkness lurking behind his charming smile. Beside him stands Amelia, radiant in her wedding gown, oblivious to the darkness that lurks beneath her groom's charming facade.

As the ceremony begins, William steals a glance towards the door, where James and the butler stand guard, ensuring that no one can interrupt the marriage.

William turns back to his bride, ready to begin their new life together. As they stood facing each other, the priest began the ceremony, his words a blur to William as he struggled to quiet the evil voice in his mind.
When the time came to exchange vows, William's voice trembled in excitement as he promised to love and cherish Amelia, for better or for worse. "I do," he said.

Amelia's response was filled with a mixture of joy and determination as she pledged herself to William. "I do," she whispered, with her gaze unwavering as she locked eyes with him.

Next, they sealed their fate with a kiss. "You are mine," William whispered against her lips. Amelia smiled, blissfully unaware of the real meaning of his words, and replied,Forever and always.
This marked the beginning of William's and Amelia's journey together. A journey built upon lies, deception, and the blood of those who dared to stand in the way.

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