14. Black Dress

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As Amelia slowly opened her eyes, the soft morning light filtering through the curtains, she noticed something draped over the chair across the room. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she sat up and squinted, trying to make out what it was. As her vision cleared, she realized it was a stunning black dress with long sleeves, perfectly matching black heels, earrings, and a small bag.

A sense of surprise and curiosity washed over her as she gazed at the elegant ensemble. Who could have left this? With a rush of excitement, she quickly got out of bed and approached the dress, admiring its intricate design and imagining herself wearing it.

Determined to find out more, she made her way downstairs, her steps echoing softly in the grand hallway. In the kitchen, she found the butler, who was quietly attending to his duties. "Good morning, Madam," he greeted her with a polite nod.

"Good morning," she replied, her mind still fixated on the mysterious gift. "Do you know where William is?"

The butler paused for a moment before responding, "Master William is in the study room."

Thanking him, Amelia hurried towards the study room, her heart pounding with anticipation. She knocked gently on the door, her voice barely above a whisper as she called out, "William?"

There was a brief moment of silence before she heard his voice, cold and distant, "Who is it?"

"It's me, William," she replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Quickly, she heard the sound of movement from inside the room, followed by the abrupt click of a computer being turned off. With a forced smile, William opened the door, his demeanor suddenly warm and welcoming. "Come in, Amelia," he said, gesturing for her to enter.

As she stepped into the study, her eyes scanned the room, noticing William's sudden shift in behavior. "Is there anything you want to talk about?" he asked, his tone casual yet guarded.

Amelia took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before speaking. "I woke up to find a black dress in my room. What's it for?"

A flicker of amusement danced in William's eyes as he replied, "I bought that for you. I have to attend a party tonight, and you'll be accompanying me. It's a themed event, everyone's supposed to wear black. So, be ready by the evening. I'll be back from the office, and we'll leave for the party together."

Amelia's face lit up with a smile, the pieces of the puzzle finally falling into place. "Okay," she said, her excitement palpable. "I'll be ready by evening."

With that, William nodded in satisfaction, his smile still tinged with a hint of mystery.

As Amelia left the room, her mind buzzing with anticipation, she couldn't help but wonder what other surprises the evening had in store.

Amelia: (Fussing with her makeup, applying a touch of blush to her cheeks) Ah, finally, a moment to breathe.

Butler: (Knocking on the door lightly) Madam, I've brought the coffee you requested.

Amelia: (Smiling gratefully) Thank you,. Just leave it on the table, please.

Of course, madam. (He places the coffee on the table and exits quietly.)

Amelia, (Focused on her reflection, applying mascara carefully) There, perfect. Now, time for the much-needed coffee. (She glances at the clock, realizing it's already getting late.)

(She walks over to the table, eyeing the steaming cup of coffee appreciatively. As she reaches for it, her phone buzzes on the table, startling her.)

Amelia: (Startled, she reaches for her phone, her fingers grazing the coffee cup accidentally) Oh no!

(The coffee cup wobbles precariously, and before Amelia can react, it topples over, spilling coffee splash onto the elegant dress laid out beside her phone. She gasps, frozen for a moment, staring at the spreading stain in disbelief.)

Amelia: (trying to manage the situation, dabbing at the coffee stain with a napkin) No, no, no! Not now!

(Just then, her phone buzzes again, a text message from William lighting up the screen. She hesitates for a moment, torn between attending to the dress and checking the message. Finally, curiosity wins out, and she unlocks her phone to read the text.)

Message from William: "Hey love, running a bit late. Should be home in about twenty minutes. Can't wait to see you."

(Amelia's heart sinks as she reads the message. She knows she should be getting ready, but the ruined dress stares back at her accusingly.)

Amelia, (Frustrated, she lets out a sigh, resigning herself to the situation) Well, nothing I can do about it now. I'll just have to find something else to wear.

(She quickly sends a reply to William, assuring him that she'll be ready when he gets home. Then, with determination, she sets about finding a replacement outfit.)

Amelia, (Muttering to herself as she rummages through her wardrobe) Why does everything have to happen at once? Just breathe, Amelia, you can handle this.

(She eventually selects a different black dress that's more glamorous than the one William gave her, but it will have to do. As she begins to change, she can't help but feel a pang of disappointment at the ruined dress. It was a special gift from William, and now it's stained beyond repair.)

As William pushed the door of their bedroom open, a sight greeted him that sent a chill down his spine. There stood Amelia, her back turned towards him, a delicate silhouette against the dimly lit room. She was adorned in a stunning sleeveless black dress, the fabric clinging to her curves in all the right places, the thigh-high slit teasingly revealing a hint of her smooth skin.

Amelia turned her head slightly, her gaze meeting William's as he entered the room. There was a shy look in her eyes, a hint of apprehension as she awaited his reaction. But William eyes were only fueled with the anger that had been simmering within him since he laid eyes on her attire.

With a menacing expression etched on his face, William strode towards her, his footsteps echoing ominously in the quiet room. "Why are you not wearing the dress I gave you?" His voice was low, laced with suppressed anger.

Amelia's response came in a soft, apologetic tone. "I'm sorry, William. There was an accident. Coffee spilled on the dress, and I couldn't wear it."

His eyes flickered towards the discarded dress lying on the table, the one he had carefully chosen for her. But instead of relief, his gaze hardened, his jaw clenching with displeasure. "Does that mean you can wear this kind of dress?" There was a hint of disdain in his voice as he gestured towards her outfit.

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