20. Threat

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Amelia paced nervously in her bedroom, her phone clutched tightly in her hand. She had called Jennifer countless times, each attempt met with the same eerie silence. Concern growing in her, twisting her stomach into knots. Setting her phone down on the table, she let out a frustrated sigh.

Amelia, feeling restless, left her phone in the bedroom's table and made her way to the spacious kitchen. She found the butler already at work, preparing breakfast then she offered to assist him.

Meanwhile, William, dressed up for work. His demeanor was cool and collected. As William made his final preparations to leave, his ears caught the faint sound of a ringing phone. With a sinister smirk, he muttered to himself, "I knew you wouldn't give up easily." He picked up the call, ready to indulge in his twisted game.

Before William could utter a word, "Amelia, listen to me," Jennifer's voice pleaded from the other end. "I can't explain everything now, but please, run away from that man. He's a monster."

William's voice, filled with malice, cut through the tension. "Why am I a monster, Jennifer?" His voice sent shivers down her spine, her grip on the phone tightening to prevent it from slipping.

"I warned you, but you didn't take me seriously," Hearing William's words jennifer's hands trembled. "I think your niece, she's not at home."

Panic surged through Jennifer as she frantically searched for her niece, only finding her abandoned dolls on the floor.

"You monster, where is my niece? What have you done?" Tears streamed down her face as she collapsed in despair.

But William's chilling revelation halted her sobs. "Stop crying, Jennifer. Your niece is playing outside with some kids." Relief washed over Jennifer as she wiped her tears, her mind reeling from the emotional rollercoaster.

Amidst her turmoil, William's voice continued, a sinister undertone threading through his words. "You're Amelia's best friend, and I admire your loyalty. So, I'll give you a second chance. But there won't be a third."

He instructed Jennifer to block Amelia's number and questioned her dedication to her niece. "She has no mother. Shouldn't all your focus be on her?" His manipulation cut deep, leaving Jennifer struggling with guilt and fear.

Yet, he offered a twisted reassurance. "Don't worry about Amelia. I'll be with her until my last breath." His possessiveness sent chills down Jennifer's spine as she placed the phone on the table, her heart heavy with sorrow and regret.

"I'm sorry, Amelia," Jennifer whispered through tears. "I can't save you from that monster. Please forgive me." Her cries echoed in the empty room, a haunting reminder of the darkness that had overtaken their lives.

After threatening Jennifer, William scrolled through the call log of Amelia's phone. There it was, Jennifer's number, a reminder of his immoral conversation. With a determined swipe, he deleted it, erasing any trace of their conversation.

As he sat alone in the bedroom, his mind replayed the conversation with Jennifer. Each word she spoke seemed to echo in his ears, especially the word "monster" which he hated the most.

Than his hand lingered on the table, hovering over the familiar frame of their wedding photo. As he picked it up, his heart ached with longing and possessiveness."I love you so much, Amelia," he whispered, his voice barely above a breath. But beneath the declaration of love, there was a hint of something darker, something possessive and controlling.

"Except me I don't want you to have anyone in your life," he continued, his tone taking on a chilling edge. "Your happiness, your tears, laughter, pain, guilt... all your emotions belong to me. You can only share them with me, your loving husband."

His words hung in the air, heavy with an ominous weight. He knew he sounded possessive, controlling even, but he couldn't help it. The thought of Amelia finding solace in someone else filled him with madness.

As he stared at the photo, his expression softened, but his intensity remained same. He placed the frame back on the table, its position unchanged.

But beneath the facade of his love and devotion, lurked a darkness that threatened to consume Amelia's happiness.


William sat at the breakfast table, sipping his coffee while Amelia prepared their morning meal. As he took a bite of toast, he glanced over at Amelia, who was bustling about, her movements a little slower than usual.

"Are you feeling alright, Amelia?" William asked, concern emanating from his voice.

Amelia smiled weakly, trying to hide the fatigue in her eyes. "Just a little tired, William. Nothing to worry about."

But as William leaned in to kiss her goodbye before heading to his meeting, he noticed the warmth emanating from her forehead. His hand instinctively reached out to touch her skin, confirming his suspicions.

"Amelia, you're burning up with fever," he exclaimed, with his worry deepening.

Amelia brushed off his concern with a gentle shake of her head. "It's nothing serious, William. You have an important meeting today; you shouldn't worry about me. I'll be fine."

But William wouldn't hear of it. He instructed the butler to ensure that Amelia stayed out of the kitchen and then made a decisive decision to call for a female doctor to examine her.

"Amelia, I can't leave you like this," he insisted, his tone firm yet caring. "I'll arrange for the doctor to come and check on you. I'll come back as soon as I can."

With a tender kiss on her forehead, William left for his meeting, his thoughts consumed by concern for Amelia's well-being. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease, knowing that she was unwell.

Meanwhile, Amelia sat on the sofa, wrapped in a blanket, feeling a mixture of gratitude and guilt. She appreciated William's concern and care, but she also didn't want to be a burden on him, especially when he had important matters to attend to.

As she waited for the doctor to arrive, her mind drifted to the moments she and William had shared together. She loves it when William cares for her and gives her attention, but sometimes his overly possessive behaviour scares her.

When the doctor finally arrived, Amelia greeted her with a weak smile, allowing herself to be examined and treated. The doctor prescribed medication and advised rest.

Hours passed, the hands of the clock ticking away relentlessly as William's mind raced with thoughts of Amelia. Finally, the long day drew to a close, and William hurried home, eager to be by her side once more.

But as he entered the empty bedroom, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. "Amelia?" he called out, his voice tinged with fear.

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