23. Violence (2)

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William did not hear her plea and continued questioning her."Tell me," he demanded, his voice a mixture of hurt and anger. "If it's not love, then you must have had a crush on him. Confess that you lied to me. You're my wife, Amelia," he pleaded, his eyes searching for the truth he wanted to hear. "I'll try to reduce your punishment, now all you need to do is confess the truth." The weight of his accusations made Amelia realise William had already made up his mind and he didn't care about her truth.

With a heavy sigh, William approached the drawer, his movements slow and deliberate. Retrieving a long wooden stick, his fingers tightened around its rough surface. Amelia's eyes widened in terror as she watched William's actions, her heart pounding with dread. She knew what was coming, and the anticipation of the impending punishment sent chills down her spine.

With a weary expression, William sat on the edge of the bed, his voice tinged with authority as he ordered Amelia to join him. Her legs felt motionless as she rose from the floor, her steps faltering as she approached the bed and sat on it. Tears welled in her eyes as she made a silent plea for mercy.

"Don't hate me, Amelia." William's voice was soft, yet tinged with a sense of authority. "You lied to me, so you are a bad girl. As your only guardian, I have to punish you."

Amelia's heart sank at his words, her chest tight with fear.

William raised the wooden stick and kept hitting on Amelia's feet as if he were playing piano. With a sharp cry of pain, she recoiled as the stick made contact with her trembling feet. Each blow felt like a betrayal, a warning to accept her wrongdoing.

"I'm sorry, I lied to you," Amelia's voice cracked with anguish as she pleaded for forgiveness. "Please, forgive me. I'll never do it again."

William's hand paused mid-air, his eyes softening as he heard her words. In that moment, the weight of his authority felt like a heavy burden upon his shoulders.

Setting aside the stick, William leaned closer to Amelia, his lips brushing against her forehead in a tender gesture of affection. "Good girl," he murmured, his voice filled with a mix of relief and tenderness. "You've accepted your mistake, so I'm done with your punishment for today." Being exhaustion
William lies down beside Amelia and falls into a slumber.


As the morning sunlight gently filtered into the room, William's eyes slowly fluttered open. The weight of what he did last night began to settle upon his conscience like a heavy burden. He turned to glance at the figure seated on the bed, his heart sinking at the sight of Amelia, her demeanour so unlike her usual vibrant self.

Feeling a knot tighten in his stomach, William mustered the courage to address the gravity of the situation. "How can I hurt you like this?" His voice wavered with remorse as he approached her cautiously, his eyes betraying the malice he had committed last night.

Amelia's gaze remained fixed, devoid of any emotion as she stared back at him, her body became tensed, a familiar fear coursing through her veins as she instinctively recoiled, clutching onto herself for protection.

The sight of her trembling body struck William to the core, and the realisation of his own actions came over him like a tidal wave of guilt. "What I've done to you is unforgivable," he confessed.After marrying you, I thought I got cured, so I stopped taking medication; if I hadn't stopped, I could have spared you from such suffering."

Hearing his words Amelia looked at him with curiosity, In that moment, amidst the turmoil of emotions, William found a flicker of solace in the realization that at least he had managed to capture Amelia's attention. Despite the tears welling in his eyes, there was a sense of relief in knowing that he had finally broken through her emotional barrier.

"I should have been honest with you," he continued, his voice tinged with guilt, "I've been undergoing mental treatment, seeking help to tame the demons that rage within me. I wanted nothing more than to heal for your sake, yet I've only succeeded in causing you irreparable harm."

With a heavy heart, William said, I would never fully forgive myself for the pain I had inflicted upon you or for the trust I had shattered. I don't even dare to look into your eyes anymore. All I could do was carry the weight of my mistakes and pray that one day I might find redemption in your eyes.

Then William exited the room; a single tear traced its path down his cheek, silent evidence of the depths of his remorse or perhaps malice.


It had been a month since William had set foot in his own home. Instead, he had taken up residence in a hotel room. During this time, he hadn't even caught a glimpse of Amelia, the woman who held the key to his heart.

One afternoon, as William sat brooding in his hotel room, his secretary, James, knocked softly before entering. William, barely lifting his gaze, inquired, "Did Amelia ask you anything about my mental illness, James?"

James replied, "No, Master. She didn't mention it. But I think it's fine; later, she'll surely ask. After all, she's a caring soul."

"You've explained the psychiatrist thoroughly, haven't you?"William asked

"Yes, Master," James confirmed. "I've provided him with all the necessary instructions, and I've also ensured he's been compensated accordingly, so if you ever need to convince madam that you are mentally ill, he'll play his role without fail."

A sense of contentment came over William at James's assurance.

Standing up, he faced James and asked, "How do I look, James?"

James replied, "Master, you always look impeccable."

William, however, cut him off before he could continue with the flattered words. "Just tell me the truth, James."

After a moment's hesitation, James confessed, "Master, you appear to have lost weight. You look sick."

A rare chuckle escaped William's lips as he walked over to the mirror. "It's love sickness," he remarked with a hint of amusement.

As William stood before his reflection, he could not help but acknowledge the effect that his love for Amelia had taken on him. The sleepless nights, the endless longing he had to go through to gain her trust again.

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