38. Sarah's Re-entry

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Amelia flinched at the sound of Aaron's voice, her eyes darting up to meet his. "Why are you here?" she questioned, her tone guarded.

"I was just passing by the bus stop and saw you," Aaron explained gently. "I'm sorry I forgot to give you money earlier. I think because of that, you couldn't go home. Let's go now; I'll take you to your home."

But Amelia looked hesitant, her gaze wavering. "What's wrong with you?" Aaron pressed, his voice tinged with worry. "It's already night. You can't stay here; it's not safe, especially in this heavy rain. I can't leave you here. Tell me the address of your home."

"I don't have any place to go," Amelia admitted bitterly, her eyes reflecting her inner turmoil.

A pang of pain tugged at Aaron's heart as he listened to her words. "Then come with me," he said gently, reaching out to offer her a comforting hand. "I can't bear to leave you like this."

"But I can't bother you anymore," Amelia protested weakly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"We can talk about these things later," Aaron reassured her, his tone firm yet compassionate. "For now, come with me." With gentle insistence, he helped her into the car, wrapping her shivering body in a warm shawl and handing her a steaming cup of coffee to chase away the chill.

As Amelia stepped back into the home she had left, a pang of embarrassment flickered within her. Yet, as she glanced around, Aaron's family greeted her with warm smiles, instantly melting her worries. It was a gesture she hadn't expected, but one that filled her heart with gratitude.


                       (After a month)

As the flickering lights of the club danced around him, William sat alone at the bar room, a half-empty glass of whiskey in his hand. His gaze was fixed on the doll sitting next to him, its hair and face a haunting replica of Amelia's.

"How could you do this to me, Amelia?" he muttered, his voice strained with pain. "You are so cruel."

With a sudden surge of anger, William threw the doll across the room. It landed with a soft thud against the wall. But almost immediately, regret flooded over him, and he rushed to retrieve it.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, his fingers trembling as he cradled the doll in his hands. "I hope you're not hurt. It's just... I'm so hurt, Amelia."

Outside the door, James stood frozen, his heart heavy with fear. He had never seen William like this before, consumed by a grief. A shiver ran down his spine as he listened to William's desperate words, each one a painful echo of a love lost.

James heart raced as he watched a mysterious girl approaching. "Who are you?" he demanded, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

The girl, her features obscured by the mask, simply replied, "Master asked for more drinks, so I came here to deliver it."

James hesitated for a moment, his mind racing with suspicion. Something about her seemed familiar, yet he couldn't quite place it. Reluctantly, he stepped aside, allowing her to enter.

As she crossed the threshold into the dimly lit room, the girl removed her mask, revealing her face to William. His breath caught in his throat as recognition dawned upon him. "Amelia?" he whispered, his voice barely audible.

The girl nodded, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Yes, it's me, your wife," she replied softly, her voice filled with emotion.

William's heart swelled with a mixture of joy and disbelief. He reached out to touch her cheek, his fingers tracing the outline of her face as if to confirm that she was real. "How could you do this to me?" he murmured, his voice choked with emotion. "I missed you so badly. Did you miss me too?"

A tear slipped down the girl's cheek as she nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yes, I missed you too, William," she confessed, her words tinged with sadness.

As William leaned in to kiss her, his eyes fell upon a scar marring her delicate features. His heart sank as he realized the truth. "How dare you seduce me, Sarah!" he screamed, his voice filled with rage and betrayal.

With a swift motion, he pushed her away, sending her crashing to the floor. Sarah's eyes widened "How dare you mess with me," he spat, his voice cold and unforgiving. " Get out I never want to see you again."

"William," she breathed, her voice tinged with a mixture of longing and regret. "You're really impressive. Even though you're drunk, you recognized me."

"You also love me, don't you?" she ventured, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

Suddenly, William's shadow passed over Sarah's features, his expression clouding with a mixture of anger and evilness. "Did you forget?" he whispered hoarsely. "I gave you the scar on your face on the day of my wedding with Amelia."

The memory stabbed at Sarah's heart like a dagger, reopening old wounds that had never fully healed. But amidst the pain, there was a glimmer of something else - a desperate yearning for William's love.

"I know your wife left you," Sarah said softly, her gaze locking with his. "She doesn't deserve a great man like you. I don't care about the scar you gave me. All I want is for you to love me."

"It looks like you don't want to live then," he said, his voice cold and detached.

Before Sarah could react, William's hands closed around her throat, his fingers tightening with a vise-like grip. And yet, despite the suffocating darkness that threatened to consume her, Sarah couldn't help but smile - a twisted, haunting expression that seemed to defy the very gravity of the situation.

Just as William's grip began to tighten, a voice pierced through the haze of violence and despair, like a beacon of hope cutting through the darkness.

"Master, William, please stop!"

James, as he stood in the doorway, his eyes wide with shock and horror as he beheld the scene before him. He then rushed forward, tearing William away from Sarah and dragging her out of the room. As Sarah was dragged away from the room, her last words hung in the air, like a chilling reminder of the depths of her obsession.

"I dyed my hair to your wife's hair color," she called out, her voice echoing through the empty space. "If you want, I can even act like her. All you have to do is love me back."

Alone once more, William sank back into his seat, the weight of guilt and sorrow bearing down on him like a suffocating shroud. And as he clutched the doll that served as a twisted reminder of his lost love, he whispered words of apology to the empty air.

"I'm sorry, Amelia," he murmured, his voice choked with emotion. "You had to see her madness. But believe me, I'm loyal to you. No one can take your place in my heart."

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