19. Friend

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As the car rolled to a stop in front of the cafe, William turned to Amelia with a serious expression. "I need to make an important call. Why don't you go inside? I think your friend is already there. After all, we are twenty minutes late."

Amelia nodded, understanding, and stepped out of the car. She smoothed down her dress nervously before heading towards the entrance of the restaurant. Inside, she spotted her best friend Jennifer sitting at a table near the window. Excitement bubbled up inside her as she waved and rushed over to greet her.

"Jennifer!" Amelia exclaimed, enveloping her friend in a tight hug.

"Amelia!" Jennifer returned the hug with equal enthusiasm. "I've been waiting for twenty minutes! What took you so long?"

Amelia hesitated for a moment, her smile faltering. "Um, it's because of the heavy traffic. Let's sit down first."

They found their seats, and as they settled in, Amelia took a deep breath. She knew she couldn't keep the truth from Jennifer any longer. "Jennifer, there's something I need to tell you about."

Jennifer's brow furrowed in concern. "What is it? Is everything okay?"

Amelia bit her lip, unsure of how to begin. "Well, you see... I am already married."

As Amelia shared the truth about her marriage, Jennifer's eyes widened in surprise. "What do you mean? Are you sure it's a marriage, not a trap or something?" "How could you marry someone like that? Do you even love him?"

Amelia's heart skipped a beat at the question. "Yes, I do love him," she admitted quietly.

Jennifer's eyes softened with concern. "But Amelia, you've never been in a relationship before. Are you sure what you feel for him is love?"

Amelia nodded firmly. "I am sure, Jennifer. It's love."

Jennifer tried to understand her friend for a moment, then sighed. "Well, if you're sure about your feelings... Is he treating you well, at least?"

Amelia hesitated, her gaze dropping to the table. "Yes, most of the time. But sometimes, he acts differently."

"Differently how?" Jennifer pressed, concern emanating from her voice.

Before Amelia could answer, a familiar voice interrupted from behind. "What are you two talking about without me?"

Amelia froze, her heart sinking as she turned to see William standing there, a curious expression on his face. She felt a knot form in her stomach, unsure of how much he had overheard.

"I was just... talking to Jennifer about our marriage," she replied, her voice faltering slightly.

Jennifer eyed William warily, still processing everything Amelia had just revealed. "Well, it's nice to finally meet you, William. Though I have to say, I didn't expect that we will be meeting here ."

William chuckled, though there was a hint of mockery in his voice. "Life has a funny way of surprising us, doesn't it?"

William, Amelia, and Jennifer are seated at a table enjoying some cake.

William passing a slice of cake to Jennifer. Here, Jennifer, you've got to try this cake. I promise you'll love it.

Jennifer[Smiling] Thanks, William.

Amelia reaches for her cake, but William intervenes before she can take a bite.

Hold on Amelia, let me feed you.

As William feeds Amelia, the spoon slips from his hand and lands on Amelia's dress, staining it.

Amelia: Oh no, my dress!

William: I'm so sorry, Amelia. Why don't you go to the washroom to clean it up.

Amelia rushes to the washroom to tend to her stained dress, leaving William and Jennifer alone at the table.

William looked at Jennifer and said So, your brother must be busy at the office now.

Jennifer [Surprised] Yes, he is, but how did you know about my brother?

William, with a sinister tone, said I heard he's doing quite well in his new job.

Jennifer [Suspiciously] Why are you suddenly interested in my brother?

William, leaning in closer to the table, wishpered, just making conversation with you. But since we're on the topic of family, how's your adorable niece?

Jennifer [Taken aback] She's fine. Why do you ask?

William [With a hint of menace] Her school, where is it again? I seem to have forgotten.

Jennifer [Growing alarmed] What do you want from me?

William [His voice rising with anger] I want you to stop being friends with Amelia.

Jennifer [Shocked] What? Why would you say that?

William [Coldly] Because I said so. And if you don't comply, there will be consequences that I feel like you don't want to go through.

Jennifer [Defiantly] I won't do it. I won't stop being friends with her.

William, mockingly Ah, so your friendship means more to you than your family? Even your niece, whom you have to pick up from school in an hour?

Jennifer trembles at the realisation that William knows about her niece's schedule.

Jennifer [Fearfully] How do you know about that?

William, while smirking, I know a lot about you and your family. So are you going to do as I say? "I am sure you don't want to see your niece getting hu..".

Before William could finish his sentence, Jennifer abruptly rose from her seat, her eyes filled with fear.

Hastily, she took her bag to leave. William, watching her depart, couldn't resist mocking her, saying, " Miss Jennifer, at least finish the cake before running away."

Amelia came out of the washroom, her eyes scanning the cafe for her friend Jennifer, but she only found William sitting there. With concern in her face she asked, "Where's Jennifer?"

William's expression softened as he replied, "She told me her niece got hurt while playing in school, so she had to leave. I hope it's nothing serious. Let me try calling her." As Amelia dialed Jennifer's number, anxiety crept in when there was no answer.

"Don't worry, Amelia; I am sure it's not anything serious," William reassured her, though his own expression darkened.


As they settled into the car, Amelia felt something brush against her feet. Bending down, she spotted a file. Before she could inspect it, William's demeanor shifted, and he swiftly snatched it away, leaving Amelia momentarily startled.

Caught off guard by William's sudden change, Amelia couldn't help but feel a pang of fear. However, his subsequent smile eased her nerves momentarily. "There are confidential information in this file," he explained, his tone casual yet guarded. Amelia nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Amelia with her voice barely above a whisper said, "This file... it's must be really important?"

William's smirk widened as he confirmed, "Yes, but it's useless now." "Because I've already used the information for my benefit," he admitted, his smile taking on a sinister edge.

He flicked his wrist deliberately to hand the file to James, who was seated in the driver's seat. As James reached to put the file in a bag, a ray of sunshine fell on the file, illuminating Jennifer's name printed on the front.

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