Do I know you?

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Illusion's pov:

I shivered as we arrived at Bright moon.

How did Adora get this far out,and why did she look different?.

Saphira nuzzled her head against me as I put the sword onto the dresser.

"Maybe I'm just sleepy"I muttered to myself.

I began to walk out of my room for Adora's hearing.

"Something doesn't feel right saphira"I said to the dragon who muttered something back.

I stroked her head before leaving my room.

Adora's pov'

I groaned as I woke up.I was In bright moon.

"Bring in the prisoner!"I heard Angela say, quite coldly.

I step forward and squint.

The guard pushes me down so I'm on me knees and I grunt.

I saw Glimmer,Bow and Illusion,who was holding the sword.

"Now tell us,why did you break into whispering woods and Attack Illusion?"Angela asked angrily

I cough.

"Uh, Ok, wow, This is gonna be a lot to explain, um-"I clear my throat" and its going to sound a little weird but I swear its all true, I'm from a different reality where I'm She-Ra,I'm friends with Glimmer,bow and Illusion,and illusion looks a lot different,we formed the princesses alliance because of the horde and Catra opened a portsl which is why I ended up here"

Glimmer and bow look at each other in disbelief,while illusion looked at the sword.

"And I did have a sword that could turn me into an 8 foot tall warrior lady with really great hair called She-ra"

Angella squints down at me.

"you say you are She-Ra yet Illusion is She-ra,how can we believe you when you share an appearance to the very person who not only attacked illusion at thaymore but has also been attacking Etheria"

I looked confused

"So Illusion is really She-Ra here"I muttered to myself.

If she was anything like my illusion then there would definitely be anarchy but this one seemed calmer and shy.

Angella closes her eyes and puts her hand on her temple.

"Guards take her-"


I turned to see illusion holding her hand up.

"Your majesty if I may,if she is from a different dimension and isn't the Adora that I know,then she'll be able to transform with the sword"Illusion said standing Infront of me.

"What are you saying Illusion?"Angela asked looking down at the younger girl.

"I'm saying if this Adora can turn into She-Ra then she must be right,if she doesn't then you can put her in prison"Illusion said"I don't know why but something feels different about her"

Illusion smiled at me slightly as I gave a small smile back.

Angela sighed and nodded.

"Very well"Angela waved her hand and the guard stood back slightly.

Illusion offered the sword to me and gave me a stern look, almost reminiscent of my illusion.

"If you try to attack me again like at thaymore I won't hesitate to stab you this time"Illusion said glaring making me gulp.

I slowly took the sword from her and she stood back slightly.

Glimmer looked ready to pounce on my again and the guards held their weapons.

"for the honour of grayskull!"I yelled as I felt the familiar warmth of the She-Ra transformation.

I heard gasps as I stood Infront of them as she-ra.

"No way"Illusion said her mouth wide.

Even Angela looked surprised just like how I first saw her.

"Angela,if I may,this version of Adora is telling the truth, you may not trust her now but you trust me,if you allow me I will keep an eye on her while we figure this out"Illusion said as I turned back to Adora.

I smiled and handed the sword back to Illusion.

"I think this belongs to you"I smiled.

Illusion smiled back and took the sword back.

Angela smiled slightly at this.

"You are a curious one Adora but do not be fooled,if I even think that you are relaying information to the horde I will not hesitate to put you on trial"Angela said sternly.

Glimmer and bow seemed curious but also still nervous around me.

Illusion smiled.

"Come on I'll show you my room"Illusion smiled slightly.

I reached out to take her hand but she pulled away.

I felt a little hurt by this but from what I could tell,what ever version of myself was in this world had hurt her.

I followed her through the hallways while the guards muttered.

Just like before.

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