Claw marks

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An:small warning for Red fighting illusion and also mentioning of neck snapping,it's only a line near the last few lines of the chapter.

Adora's Pov:

Illusion or well Red has settled into bright moon quite well even though I had been avoiding her.

She had stayed in her room during meals and only came out to grab what was left when we left.

Catra would take her outside to train, according to what she told me, illusion had been using it as an outlet much to catra's disagreement but there wasn't much she could do.

I was getting worried about her.

My room wasn't far from here and I could hear her screaming in her sleep.

I couldn't make out what it was but whatever happened to her on that ship must have been horrible.

I would sometimes speak to Catra.

Even though we were fighting back in our world she was now nicer.

She had told me what had been going on, red had my sword but had to leave it behind for the portal to work.

"Hey Adora?"

I was snapped out of my thoughts to see illusion walk up to me.

"Catra asked if I wanted to train with her and red,is that ok?"She asked smiling.

I thought for a second,it could be a way to get closer to her again.

"Sure"I said smiling.

Illusion smiled and dashed away.

I was left alone again,alone with my thoughts.

I sighed and put my jacket on so I could at least get some fresh air.

I walked out into the royal gardens to enjoy the air,I could see Angela tending to some roses.

"Adora"Angela smiled, greeting me.

"Your majesty"I said bowing.

"How are you feeling?"Angela asked.

"Good"I said trying not to appear that I was lying.

"I don't believe that for a second but how are you feeling about illusion or well Red being here?"She asked.

"Can I be honest?"I said.

She nodded.

"I'm happy she's here but I also feel guilty,I wasn't there to save her from it,and I'm also jealous of the fact that Catra is close with her!"I said as I paced"she's completely changed,she's not illusion anymore she's just..."

"Different"Angela said finishing my sentence.

I nodded.

"I don't want to hate Catra it's just I worry that-"

A scream sounded from behind the gardens.

My head immediately swiveled round to where it came from.

I know that scream,it was illusion.

I immediately began running as did Angela.

"Illusion!"I called out as I ran towards the training area.

I saw red pinning her down,claws sinking into her skin as illusion squirmed and screamed in pain.

"Help!"Illusion screamed as red kept clawing her.

I looked for catra but I couldn't see her.

"Red no!"

I saw catra barreling out of a tent with melog as melog jumped onto red, using their weight like a blanket.

Red's eyes were wide,they looked distanced but as she shook her head,her eyes teared up.

Melog meowed sadly and nuzzled her.

Catra looked at me as she glared a bit before running to red.

I felt torn,if I went to red I felt like I would be betraying illusion but if I went to illusion I felt like I was betraying red.

I saw catra checking red and I went to illusion.

She had claw marks on her cheek and neck as I helped her up,her sword was laying a couple of meters away.

"Are you ok?"I asked concerned.

"I think so,I think it was just the shock"Illusion answered shakily as I wiped blood off her cheek.

"What happened?"Angela asked.

Catra nodded to melog and the Catra picked up illusion and took her away.

After they were gone Catra turned to Angela.

"Illusion sometimes believes she's back on horde prime's ship, sometimes she'll go weeks without it happening but sometimes it will be daily."Catra answered.

"What?"I said shocked.

Catra glared at me.

"Now you care"Catra spat.

"What?"I said

"You've been avoiding her since we've been here!"Catra yelled"you've been too focused on your bright new shiny She-Ra that you forgot about the one person you promised to protect"

I looked at Catra narrowing my eyes as she yelled.

"You had no idea what I had to do to free her Adora!"Catra yelled"I had to save her,I had to almost snap her neck to get that chip off"

I looked at Catra in shock.

"What!?"I asked shocked.

Catra teared up.

"Horde prime puts chips on people's necks to control them,He did that to illusion and brainwashed her into fighting for him when he chipped her,I had to fight her,she almost fell of the side but I stopped her,I couldn't figure out how to get the chip off so I thought if i-"

Catra paused for a second as she gripped her arm.

"I thought it would be better for her if I did that,but luckily Entrapta figured out away to get it off"Catra said.

"Why?"I asked tearing up.

"I thought it would be better if she wasn't there for what would happen, Etheria is loosing Adora, because you left"Catra said,her ears down"I thought it would be better if she wasn't there for it,but after Entrapta freed her,we decided it would be better to escape,find somewhere safe and maybe even find somewhere safe."

I looked down as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I'll make it up to her"I said crying.

"You can try Adora but I doubt she'll allow you to get close again"

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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