The sea gate 2/3

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No Pov:

On the other side of the Sea Gate where the Dragon's Daughter III has docked; Bow's feet crunch on the shore as he leaps off the ship.

" ...Where is everyone?"illusion asked as Adora stood next to her.

After the sea serpent fight Adora had grown more protective.

Wind blows as they look on at the empty city.

"Hmm...very odd, indeed. If I know the princess Mermista--and I-I do--something's amiss."Sea hawk said.

" Halt! Halt! Halt, I say!"a guard yelled as he ran and pants towards the crew; with effort.

"..Halt..."he finally reaches them and stops to catch breath; out of breath."

"...What's your business in Salineas?"he asked.

"We've come to speak with Princess Mermista--"

Sea hawk shouldering Glimmer out of the way; smugly.

"Tell her Sea Hawk is with them, she'll be excited to see me."he said.


"Ew, who let him back in here?"Mermista groaned as the group stood in her throne room.

Sea Hawk runs to Mermista's throne as the crew and the guard follow at a walking pace.

" Princess! Oh, it's been too long. I have dreamed of you night and day since we parted."sea hawk said.

"Uh-huh..."Mermista looks at the crew behind him.

"And who are you?"

The Guard shoves Sea hawk from behind as they pass, making Sea Hawk grunt.

"My name is Glimmer of Bright Moon. We've never met, but our parents fought in the Rebellion together."glimmer responded.

"Oh, yeah... I remember hearing about the old Princess Alliance. My dad said it was a total disaster."Mermista said disinterested.

Sea Hawk speaks to Mermista.

"I didn't think it was possible but your beauty grows greater with each passing day--"

The Guard elbows Sea Hawk and he grunts

"Will you quit it? I'm trying to talk to my new friend Twinkle. ...Butler"the Guard quickly leans staff against the throne and dons a cloth over their arm."can you bring us some hors-d'oeuvres?"the Guard walks away.

"Oooo, hors-d'oeuvres!"sea hawk says happily.

"For everyone but Sea Hawk."

Sea Hawk sits next to her and sidles himself onto the armrest of the throne.

"Your guard is also your butler?"Bow asked.

"I'm a little understaffed right now."Mermista elbows Sea Hawk to get out of her space and picks up her staff."Everybody fled because the Gate is falling apart or whatever... "She gets up to walk to a window.

Adora, illusion Glimmer, and Bow:What?!

Mermista scoffs

"Yeah, I know, right?"

She gestures with her staff and the water flowing over a window magically recedes

" It figures that I would inherit a kingdom that's crumbling, but it's totally fine--I'm...handling it. It's just kind of inconvenient because the Horde won't stop attacking us..."

" Why is the gate falling apart?"Glimmer asked.

Adora watched intently,there wasn't much she could do without her sword it would be up to illusion.

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