The sea gate 1/3

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An:feel free to ask questions about the story :)

No Pov:

Adora left her room in brightmoon and entered the council room.

Spinerella, Netossa, a guard, Glimmer, Illusion, and Bow were already seated around a table. Angella sits on a fancy chair higher than all the rest.

Adora sat next to Illusion who was showing Glimmer how she transformed the sword into a arm band.

"How did you learn that?"Glimmer asked Illusion smiling.

"Oh Adora taught me"Illusion said gesturing at Adora.

Glimmer stared at Adora slightly before smiling.

Bow and Glimmer were beginning to trust her.

"Council, we're looking for plans to strengthen our defenses against the Horde. Who would like to go first?"Angella asked.

Glimmer's hand shot up.

" Me, me, me. Me. Me, me."she said.

Angella sighs.

"Who besides Glimmer would like to go first?"Angella said sighing.

Glimmer stands.

"Mom-- Uh, eugh, your majesty. You should let me, Bow, Illusion and obviously now Adora continue our princess recruitment mission. If we can form a new Princess Alliance, The Rebellion would actually stand a chance for once."Glimmer said.

"The princesses withdrew from the last alliance. They chose to focus on protecting their own lands."Angella said.

'so they are going to see mermista then 'Adora thought in her head'which means they'll be up against Catra and the version of myself in this world'

Adora shuddered remembering what happened and at the thought of what her version looked like here.

"So, are we supposed to just... give up? Please, let me try. All I'm proposing is a diplomatic mission."Glimmer asked.

"So, what do you propose?"Angella sighed.

Glimmer activates a holographic map of Etheria.

"Anyone approaching Bright Moon by sea needs to pass through the Salineas Sea Gate. It's controlled by Mermista now that her father's retired. With her on our side, the Rebellion could control the seas. We NEED this alliance with her, Mom."Glimmer said pleading

Arrows appear on the map as Glimmer talks to illustrate her point. After she finishes talking, the map vanishes.

"The journey is treacherous, Glimmer. I'm not sure."Angella said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Mom. With She-Ra, we can conquer anything."Glimmer said gesturing at Illusion"and technically two counting Adora"

"And, uh, we're also gonna need a boat."Illusion said planning with her hands.

Adora remembered this and giggles,that means they'll be meeting Seahawk soon.

"With She-Ra and a boat, we can conquer anything."Glimmer said groaning.

"Aaaaand an experienced sea captain."Bow said.

Glimmer makes an annoyed yell.

" With She-Ra, a boat, and an experienced sea captain,"Glimmer said through gritted teeth." we can conquer anything."

" Very well."Angella said agreeing.

Glimmer gasps.

" Yes!"Glimmer smiled happily.

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