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An:small oneshot of Illusion and Echo,This is cannon:)

No Pov:

Glimmer was writing battle plans down in the council room when the door swung open quickly.

"Glimmer have you seen Illusion anywhere"Adora asked panicking.

"Calm down,she's fine,she's just in her room"Glimmer said as she went back to writing stuff down.

Adora sighed in relief.

"Ok thank you"Adora said as she closed the door.

She ran to Illusion's room,She wanted to give illusion a little bit of battle training with She-Ra.

Adora knocked on the door and she heard Illusion's reply for her to come in.

Adora opened the door and saw Illusion pacing around in a circle,her hair was a mess and Saphira was watching confused.

"Illusion?"Adora asked.

"Oh hey Adora, I'm just a bit busy at-"she paused "oh no I forgot our training! Let me just find my jacket"

Illusion scampered to find her jacket but Adora stopped her.

"What's wrong?"Adora asked raising an eyebrow.

Illusion's face went completely red.

"nothing!"Illusion yelled"I've gotta go!"

Illusion grabbed her jacket and ran out the room.

"Did you catch that?"Adora asked the dragon as the dragon huffed and rolled her eyes.

"Me neither"Adora replied.

Her eyes narrowed at the open doors.

She's going to get to the bottom of this.

Adora left Illusion's room and walked around a corner before walking into bow.

"Bow"Adora smiled"I need your help"

Bow smiled.

"Sure Adora,what's wrong?"Bow asked.

"Something's up with illusion,I need you and Glimmer to help me figure out what's up"Adora said.

Bow sighed.

"Promise you won't freak out"Bow said.

Adora nodded.

"She's on a date,with her being She-Ra she doesn't get time to date"Bow said"but recently she'd been going out with this girl echo"

Adora looked surprised,she knew her illusion was with Echo but she didn't know this world had an Echo.

"I see"Adora said smiling.

"Adora please don't mess this up for Illusion,she's been waiting ages for this"Bow said.

"I promise, I'm just going to help out"Adora said smiling and running off.

Bow sighed and went back to taking plans to Glimmer.

Adora ran through the halls untill she got to the royal gardens.

She stayed low and saw Illusion waiting while holding a basket.

"There you are"

Adora saw a brown haired girl with teal eyes walk towards Illusion.

Her fair skin shone in the sun and she didn't have demon features like her Illusion's Echo did.

"Echo,hi how are you "Illusion stuttered while her face went red.

Echo smiled and giggled.

"I'm fine thank you"Echo smiled.

"I got permission from Angella to have a picnic in the royal gardens"Illusion smiled as she laid out a blanket.

Echo helped lay out plates.

Adora watched Illusion take out two sandwiches from the basket.

The two girls began to eat and talk.

"So what's it like being She-Ra?"Echo asked.

"It's great I guess,I wish someone would teach me more though"Illusion sighed but she gave Echo a small smile"But Adora has teached me a few things,like how to turn the sword into different things"

Adora smiled at this,she loved that illusion held her in such high regards.

Illusion showed Echo the sword and Echo fawned over it.

"That's so cool"The girl smiled as she beamed at Illusion.

Illusion's face went red and she laughed nervously.

"I'm so happy we managed to finally do this"Illusion smiled"I'm happy we finally got to go on a date instead of just hanging out in the library,I know we've been seeing each other for a few weeks but I feel like this is the best date we've been on"

The two girls giggled and blushed.

Illusion kissed echo's cheek and Echo blushed.

"I better get going,Adora will want me for training "Illusion said blushing.

"I understand,maybe we can do this again next week"Echo smiled.

Illusion nodded as she blushed and the two cleaned up the plates.

Illusion waved goodbye to Echo as she left.

Illusion sighed lovingly and made her way back to brightmoon.

Adora giggled and made her way back to brightmoon without illusion seeing her.

She was definitely going to help her with Echo just as she had with her illusion.

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