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An:I decided to do another chapter before sea gate just so I can have Adora and Illusion bond a bit more,I also changed when Adora learnt how to turn the Sword into an armband,she learnt before she went to the crimson waste inside of after.

Also please don't be a ghost reader leave votes,they do really help me out as I spend a lot of time on these,anyway here is the chapter:)

Adora's Pov:

I woke up quickly as my breath was fast.

Another nightmare about the portal, Illusion, everyone

My hands immediately went to were illusion usually slept and I sighed sadly.

I had only been in this world a few days and yet I kept forgetting.

I rubbed my head and got out of the bed,I changed back into my clothes and I looked at the small belt buckle that I would wear.

It was a small gold clip with wing shape.

I ran my thumb over the smooth metal and it made me tear up.

I went to grab my jacket which was over the chair and I spotted something on the desk.

There was a silver pin and a note.

I picked up the paper and read it,my eyes scanning over the words.

It was scratchy and messy but I could still read it.

I thought you would want this, Glimmer gave it to me but I thought it would suit you best :)

From Illusion

I smiled slightly at the note.

She reminded me so much of my illusion.

I picked up the belt pin and ran my thumb over the smooth metal.

It was silver and In the shape of a dragon.

The dragon was bitting it's tail so it made a circle shake.

It had tiny ruby's for eyes.

I closed my eyes slightly.

Even tiny crystals reminded me of Illusion.

I shook my head trying to get rid of my thoughts.

I attached the pin to my belt.

I might as well use this as a way to remind me who I'm fighting for.

Glimmer,Bow,The rebellion, Illusion.

I finished Changing and left my room.

The layout of this brightmoon was the exact same as mine,which was lucky.

I kept walking hoping to find


I immediately ran over to her smiling.

"Glimmer! There you are"I smiled.

The girl looked at me,I could still see she wasn't trusting me yet,she was holding a few scrolls.

"Oh there you are..other Adora?"Glimmer said,she didn't know what to call me.

"Adora is fine,do you know where Illusion is."I asked her.

She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Training with her sword again,after what happened with Perfuma she's been practicing "Glimmer said.

I nodded.

"And where's that"I asked.

She squinted at me, trying to see what I was planning before relaxing.

"Near my room outside it's near some trees and you can see the camp from there"Glimmer said before continuing to walk.

"Thank you!"I yelled to here as I ran outside.

So they had already met Perfuma which means they hadn't met mermista yet.

I felt this pit in my stomach,what if I told them what would happen, would that mess up time.

I let the thought leave my head but it was still in the back of my mind.

As long as I didn't tell illusion or the others anything that would happen I should be fine.

A few guards whispered to eachother but I ignored them.

I headed outside and saw Illusion doing kicks with the sword.

Just like how I did before I accidentally turned horsey into swift wind.

In fact she was in the exact same place.

Saphira was laying on her stomach,her wings spread out as she sunbathed.

I smile and watched illusion practice.

She wobbled slightly and almost fell over but I caught her.

"Thanks"she smiled"the sword is still a bit heavy for me, especially carrying it around"

I smiled back.

"It's no problem really,want me to teach you?"I asked.

Illusion nodded quickly, practically bouncing up and down.

I showed her how to hold the sword and fight with it and she copied me.

I also taught her a few fighting moves.

She was alot different from my Illusion,she was more sweet and soft.

Maybe I could look after her, just like how I looked after my illusion.

After a few hours we laid on the grass as Saphira flopped next to us.

"Thanks for teaching me,I really appreciate it"Illusion smiled.

"No problem"I replied.

"Sometimes I do wish I could transport it easier though"Illusion muttered.

I remembered how I learnt how to turn the sword into an armband.

I'm sure teaching her that wouldn't change anything.


"Hey I could teach you something I learnt to make it easier "I said as I took the sword.

Illusion sat up and watched intently as I changed the sword into an armband and then back to a sword.

Illusion's eyes lit up with wonder as she took the sword back.

"Let me try"She said as she held the sword,she changed it into an arm band and smiled widely.

"This is so cool! And handy"she yelled happily,she embraced me in a big hug,I was hesitant at first but hugged back.

I couldn't stop this feeling though.

It was like a dark gnawing feeling in my stomach like something was wrong and I had changed something.

I ignored the feeling.

Teaching her that wouldn't change much.

Would it?

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