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Adora's Pov:

I followed Illusion through the hallways of Brightmoon's castle.

I could hear the guards whispering about me making me look down at my feet.

"Don't worry I'm sure they'll warm up to you,they warmed up to me after a couple of days"illusion laughed nervously.

We're they talking about her like that in the past.

I looked her sadly.

How could they,she was so small.

"Wait, where's swift wind or well your swift wind?"I asked nervously.

I was worried about him,he may talk alot but he's still a friend.

"Swift wind?"Illusion asked confused "there's no one with that name here"

I looked shocked which probably scared Illusion.

"She-ra has a steed,where's your steed"I asked.

"Ohhh,I have one"Illusion smiled as she opened her door,her room was the same one I stayed in only more messy and scratched up.

She walked over to a balcony and whistled loudly

I heard large wingbeats and my eyes went large as a large blue dragon landed on the balcony.

I immediately pulled Illusion behind me as I glared at the dragon.

The dragons eyes narrowed at me and hissed as I protected illusion.

"Wait no!"Illusion yelled as she got between me and the dragon.

"Illusion no"I said as Illusion walked up the dragon.

The dragon lowered her head and nuzzled her.

I raised an eyebrow.

"This is my dragon saphira,she is my steed"illusion smiled.

The dragon looked to illusion and illusion rolled her eyes.

"She's not going to hurt me saphi,she's not like the other one"Illusion said as she whisper yelled into Saphira's ear making the dragon laugh.

"Why are you talking to the dragon,she didn't say anything"I asked.

"Oh Me and Saphira have telepathy,she can hear my thoughts"Illusion smiled.

So saphira didn't talk like swift wind.

Illusion turned to me.

"Adora meet Saphira, Saphira meet Adora"Illusion said introducing us.

Saphira growled at me before curling her tail around illusion.

"Well it looks like it's getting late,do you want to me show you to your room?"illusion asked.

I nodded and followed illusion to another room,it was smaller and a few doors down from Illusion's.

"If you need anything just knock"Illusion said as she left"good night"

She left and closed the door and I was left alone.

I sighed and stripped down and got into the pyjamas that were in the room.

I got into the bed and curled up how I usually slept as Illusion would curl up at the middle of the bed when she slept.

I felt tears brimming in my eyes as I closed them.

I missed illusion,I wondered what she was doing now,did they stop the portal,was everything back home gone.

I let out a small sob as I began to fall asleep and finally let it wash over as I fell unconscious.

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