battle of Bright moon 2/2

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An:new chapter yayyyy!! Also there's a small suprise in the end,I also wanted to share this small edit I did.

An:new chapter yayyyy!! Also there's a small suprise in the end,I also wanted to share this small edit I did

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No Pov:

Illusion leaps up and slices the energy ball in half, landing in the water below. She swipes her sword through the water and the water propels back and pushes the tanks back toward the forest.

She slices off the top and tosses the hatch to the ground, but looking down, notices a bit late that they've been rigged to explode. She's hurdled back into the water by the explosion but manages to find her way to her feet before being assaulted by skiffs shooting lasers.

Adora fought a few horde soldiers while she kept Illusion in her sights.

Adora's eyes widened in fear seeing a laser charging up towards her

"Illusion!"Adora heard Glimmer yell as she Sees the moonstone dim, Glitches." She-Ra needs our help."

" Go to her. I'll keep the Moonstone lit in the darkness away from the battlefield as long as I can."Angela said.

Saphira flew towards Adora and allowed the girl onto her back.

Adora quickly climbed on holding onto the saddle.

She-Ra faces down a still powered skiff, running her sword down its side as it runs past her.

"Go saphira go"Adora said as Saphira breaths a large stream of hot gold flames onto the machine.

The person jumps from the machine just before it burns. Spider machines that shoot lasers come from the forest, Illusion smiles seeing Saphira.

She then retrieves her sword and hearing a machine fire, looks back in time to see part of the castle be destroyed by a blast.

Finding the machine, she turns her sword into a shield and intercepts another blast, refracting the beam and causing her to be knocked back into the water.

Breathless, illusion turns to look at the Moonstone and is caught unaware by a green blast, which knocks her to the ground, Illusion screams in pain as she looses her shield.

In clear pain and without a weapon, she searches the water for her shield, vision dimming, looks up to see Catra watching her from atop a tank.

"hey illusion"Catra smirked.

"Catra"Illusion hissed "Surprised to see me?and where's Adora?"

Catra looked slightly hurt at Illusion's tone but quickly shrugged it off.

"Not really, I figured it wouldn't be that easy to get rid of you."Catra said"and she's busy taking down your friends,so its just you and me"

Illusion glares and growls and runs at Catra, slamming her fists into the Tank Catra had been standing on, crushing it. Catra flips easily onto a floating rock, unamused.

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