system failure 2/2

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No Pov:

Glimmer, Adora and Entrapta were in the hall, Illusion lay unconscious in Adoras arms,her head in her lap.

"Illusion ? Wake up, please wake up!"Adora pleaded.

Adora's eyes were frantic.

She rembered how painful the infection was,she didn't want it to happen to Illusion.

"The tall one seems infected too. She turned less tall. How does it work?"Entrapta asked.

"She's not an it, she's my friend. And what do you mean she's infected too?"Glimmer said back.

"It's really fascinating. I've been experimenting with a disc that was recovered from a mine in Dryl. It was a game-changer. It held more complete First One's code than anything I've ever seen before. But it seems to have reacted with the First Ones tech that powers my bots. It infected them with some sort of a virus."Entrapa said.

"The disk"Adora muttered to herself.

She knew what she had to Do.

"But why would it make She-Ra sick?"Glimmer asked.

"Well, I'd have to take her apart to be sure. But since her sword is First One's tech, it must have spread through that."Entrapta said holding a scalpel.

Adora quickly covered Illusion with her body, protecting her from Entrapta.

"First, you're not taking her apart. She is a PERSON!"Adora said Whisper yelling while protecting illusion.

"Second, if we destroy this disc, will that turn off the bots and stop the virus?"Glimmer asked" But why would it make She-Ra sick?"

" Destroy it? But the experiment isn't complete!"Entrapta said sadly.

"I think we can safely say that this experiment is a failure!"Adora hissed.

" But what if it's not- no, you're right, it's a failure."Entrapta sighed.

Illusion opened her eyes and Adora internally face palmed.

Illusion was now the equivalent of a small puppy.

"Adora,Glimmer, there's four of you. That's nice."Illusion laughed while her words slurred.

"How are you feeling?"Adora asked while Glimmer looked worried.

" Just peachy. Why are we whispering?"Illusion asked.

"Sound activates the robots."Glimmer answered.

"What ROBOTS?"Illusion said yelling the last part.

" The ones that are attacking us."Adora answered trying to get Illusion to be quiet.

"Oh, those robots. Okay, I'm going to take a nap now."Illusion smiled drunkly.

"No no no no, stay awake, we have to go to Entrapta's lab and destroy this disc thing and then you'll be all better again."Glimmer said.

"Better? I'm fine. I'm She-Ra."Illusion laughs" Hi, Glimmer,Hi Adora"

"Come on, we've got to get to your lab. She's getting worse."Glimmer said as Adora picked Up Illusion bridal style.

The small girl hummed happily and snuggled closer to Adora.

The group walked for a few minutes.

"I wonder how echo will react to this"Glimmer chuckled.

Adora's eyes widened and she chuckled to herself.

So Echo did exist here and Illusion did still love her.

"So Illusion is dating someone?"Adora asked.

"Not exactly,they are friends but Illusion has a massive crush on her"Glimmer smiled.

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