princess prom 1/2

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Adora's Pov:

We headed inside.

I was on edge,so much stuff happened here.

I had two main objectives

Keep Illusion, Glimmer and Bow safe

And get frosta to join the rebellion.

" Whoa. Heh. It's big."Illusion said her eyes shinning at the tall hall.

"The ball is one of our most ancient traditions. A princess' first ball is a huge rite of passage. Plus, the Kingdom of Snows is really big."Glimmer said.

"Which is why we need Frosta. If she joins us, all the other princesses are sure to follow."Illusion smiled.

I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Here we go."I sighed.

No Pov:

They approach Frosta's throne. Adora bows and Glimmer and Illusion curtsies.

"Hold for one, two and three."Adora said

They face the young princess.

"Revered hostess, we come into your hall under the ancient rules of hospitality, bringing greetings from Bright Moon. And She-Ra, the legendary warrior."Glimmer said gesturing to Illusion.

Crowd chatters curiously.

" You are welcome in the Kingdom of Snows under the ancient rules of hospitality. Leave conflict at the door and please enjoy the ball."Frosta said.

"Thank you your--"Adora said as the guards moved them"majesty."

The guards move them.

"Couldn't have mentioned that she was a little kid?"Illusion murmured.

"You did all that research with Adora. I assumed you knew. You know what? It's fine. There's plenty of time still to win her over. Now come on, let's rock this ball."Glimmer smiled.

" Oh! There's Entrapta! Heh."Adora saw Entrapta and brought Illusion

Entrapta slides down an icy pole to meet the small group.

"Illusion!Adora! Glimmer! Are you here to watch the social experiment too?"Entrapta asked.

"Social experiment?"Illusion asked.

"Different groups are thrown together and forced to mingle. Hierarchies form and break. It's the perfect place to observe behavior. And they have tiny food!"Entrapta smiled.

She showed them the Food that is stuffed in her pouch.

"Where's Bow? I wanna show him my new recorder."Entrapta asked.

"He's coming later."Illusion said.

"Why didn't he come with you? Aren't you two friends?"Entrapta asked.

" Why would you think we're not?"Glimmer said.

"There he is! Bow!"Entrapta smiled.

Bow enters, Perfuma in his arm. Glimmer glances.

Illusion frowned,she was picking up Glimmer's jealousy.

"They're matching. That's our best friend thing!"Glimmer said Whisper yelling.

Entrapta said something into her voice recorder.

" Hey, I'm here too. Don't make a big thing out of it."Mermista said

Bow and Perfuma laugh as they walk.

"They're making up their own inside jokes? What? Is Perfuma his new best friend now?"Glimmer growled.

"Not gonna get into whatever is happening there."Mermista said confused.

"People just walking around in circles."

"Or that. Look, have you seen--?"Mermista asked.

"She's a beauty can't you see? She's attending this with me! She's my princess of the sea! Mermista! "sea hawk said singing before turning to Talking"Oh hey, it's my crew."

" So, Sea Hawk's your plus one?"Adora smirked crossing her arms while Illusion copied her.

"No. He is just my ride. Okay? Just. My. Ride,"Mermista said.

"Of course"Seahawk said"I am her plus one."

"This is the best social experiment I've ever been to!"Entrapta smiled.

"Whatever. Do they have a kelp bar here?"Mermista said walking away.

"To the buffet! Adventu-- Oh hi, Bow."Seahawk said walking past bow as they walked up to the group.

Bow and Perfuma approach and illusion waves.

" Hey--"

"That's so funny, Adora! illusion !What a funny inside joke the two of us just came up with!"Glimmer said fake laughing.

"The She-Ra,Adora,Glimmer. It's great to see you."Perfuma smiled.

" Perfuma was just telling me about a group of horses that ate all the apples in Plumeria and then galloped away. Sound familiar?"Bow giggled.

"Sure, whatever. Isn't this fun? Adora, Illusion and I are having such a great time here together, just the two of us. Right, illusion?Adora?"Glimmer smiled.

Illusion gobbles food from a tray while Adora sighed and face palmed.

"Okay. Uh, we're gonna go say hi to people. Wanna come?"Bow asked.

" No, you guys go on. We'll find you later. I wanna hear the rest of this hilarious story that Illusion was just telling!"Glimmer said.

Glimmer frowns and Adora spots Frosta.

"Oh, perfect. Frosta's alone. I'm gonna try to smooth things over with her. Coming?Okay, never mind. I'll be right back."Adora said before disappearing.

Illusion sighed and went back to eating while Glimmer rolled her eyes.

Glimmer watches Bow and Perfuma from a balcony.

"Jealous?"Illusion asked smirking.

Glimmer blushed.

"What! No!"She stuttered.

Illusion raised an eyebrow as Glimmer spluttered and jokingly hit her.

Glimmer then spotted Adora walking over.

"Where have you been?"Glimmer asked.

"I told you, winning over Frosta. Actually, scratch that, failing to win over Frosta."Adora sighed.

Adora turns to Glimmer.

" Are you okay? Why does it bother you so much?"Adora asked.

"It doesn't! Bow can hang out with whoever he wants. I just"Glimmer groans" I never had that many friends, okay? It's always been just me and Bow. But now, what if he likes his new friends better than me? What if everyone does?"

"That's not gonna happen, Glimmer. Trust me, Bow isn't the type to leave his old friends behind and neither am I or ill..."Adods freezes while Illusion's eyes go wide and scared

Scorpia and Catra arrive at the ball arm and arm.

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