corrupted nightmare

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An:where Adora is,but without horde prime or the clones.also sorry for a short chapter.

also sorry for a short chapter

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No Pov:

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No Pov:

Adora looked around the dark room.

Was she back in her own world.

"Illusion!"She called out,she had just heard her.

She heard someone walking closer and a pair of bright red eyes stared back at her.

"Illusion oh it's you"Adora smiled widely,she would finally get to see her again.

Illusion kept walking towards her and Adora's eyes widened.

That was not Illusion.

Half her face was glitching away as her voice glitched too.

"Hey Adoraaa"

She looked corrupted.

"Illusion what happened to you"Adora cried as she tried to cradle Illusion's face.

"You did"She spat as illusion lept at her and the two began fighting.

Adora screamed in pain as Illusion's claws raked her side causing deep gashes.

"This isn't real this is a dream"Adora yelled to herself as she kicked Illusion off of her.

The girls back hit the side with a sickening crunch as She stopped moving.

Adora stepped back as the room glitched back to the horde where the portal opened then to brightmoon and then to a place she didn't even know

Adora stepped back as the room glitched back to the horde where the portal opened then to brightmoon and then to a place she didn't even know

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and then back to brightmoon.

Adora heared Illusion's corrupted voice, instead of sounding angry it sounded like wailing.

Calling out for her.

Adora covered her ears as her side ached from Illusion's onslaught of attacks.

She felt everything drift away as she woke up.

Her breath was quick and shallow as she hyperventilated.

Her hand immediately went to where Illusion would curl up and she felt nothing.

But she did see the other version of illusion sleeping next her.

She was bundled in a blanket and sleeping peacefully.

Now she remembered.

Illusion had a nightmare and had asked to sleep next to her.

Adora rubbed her head and laid back down.

She had to sleep,but the thought of seeing that Illusion again..

She shivered and brought the other illusion into a hug.

She made a small hum sound and cuddled closer into Adora's warmth.

Adora smiled at this but the haunting look of Illusion's eyes terrified her.

She doubted she would sleep again tonight.

An also I've been recently getting really into editing screenshots so here's some ones of She-Ra illusion au

An also I've been recently getting really into editing screenshots so here's some ones of She-Ra illusion au

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