Princess Prom 2/2

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An:next chapter yay! Working on some velocatradora stuff and illusion Pokémon au:)

Next chapter will feature some of Og Illusion.

No Pov:

"...I."Illusion stuttered in fear.

Adora bows before the princess.

"Revered hostess, you can't let them in. They're from the Horde."Adora said remembering what happened before"disaster could happen"

"Revered hostess, Princess Scorpia was invited as per the rules of this ball. Rules which I personally have the upmost respect for.*Catra smirked back.

"You do not!"Adora hissed as Illusion shaked slightly seeing Catra.

"Miss Adora. The rules state clearly that all princesses and their chosen guests are welcome."Frosta said.

"They're up to something. I can feel it. They could hurt--"Adora said before getting cut off.

"That's enough! You look at me and see a child, but I have worked too hard to gain respect only to throw it away just because you feel they are up to something. For centuries the All-Princess Ball has been neutral ground. I will not dishonor that legacy. Scorpia is a princess. Princesses get plus ones. They stay."Frosta said as Adora scowled.

A guard grabs her and Glimmer and removes them,Adora returned to Illusion and pulled her Away from Catra.

" Really, little star? I'm shocked. We're not breaking any rules. Didn't your new friends read the invite?"catra said looking at Illusion.

"I know you're plotting something. From now until the second the ball ends, I'll be watching. Wherever the two of you go, I go."Adora hissed looking at Catra while making sure Illusion was safe.

"Suit yourself. Have fun with following us!"Catra smirks.

"Glimmer, you get Scorpia, I'll take Catra."Adoda said.

Glimmer groaned while Illusion put a hand on Glimmer's shoulder.

"Don't worry Glim, I'll handle this,you enjoy the ball,Parties are not my thing "Illusion smiled.

"Are you sure?"Glimmer asked.

Illusion nodded and sighed as she watched Adora rummaging through rubbish.

Something was troubling her yet she wast telling her about it.

Illusion  stands at the buffet as Scorpia gorges on food.

"Mm. Mm. Wow, that is good. Oh what is-- I don't even know what's in this. What? Sir? Garcon? What's in this?"Scorpia said.

Illusion saw Glimmer and Bow and walked over to them.

Scorpia was just looking at food,it should be fine.

"Bow! Glim!Wait up!"Illusion smiled walking over "

"Illusion!hi"Bow smiled.

"There's something I need to tell you. I know things between us have been weird all night. So, I just wanted to say.."Glimmer said starting to apologise.

"It's all right. I accept your--"Bow said.

" I forgive you."Glimmer said and Illusion Groaned.

"You forgive me? Glimmer, I'm allowed to hang out with other people."Bow said.

"B-b-but don't you see? That's how it starts! Then suddenly everyone has new friends and nobody needs me anymore. And then, I'm all alone."Glimmer said.

"What are you talking about? You have me, Illusion plus Adora and everyone who joined the Rebellion."Bow said.

Illusion watched the two,she didn't want them to stop being friends,she had a friend when she wasn't training in the horde,her name was Tia but one day she just disappeared and when Illusion saw her again she ran away.

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