I need you

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An: Another oneshot while I work on Princess prom,this mainly focuses on of Illusion's world,this is cannon.

Also new art chapter soon :)

Illusion's pov:

I laid awake in bed,it had been a few weeks since my mom disappeared,I refused to believe she was gone.

Glimmer would occasionally come to check on me,she had become my temporary mother figure.

Echo would be with me most of the time,she would bring me food and we would talk and kiss and do other things.

I whimpered as I hugged my mother's sword.

I missed her so much.

I had to watch Angella die and then I had to watch catra almost die.

I cried as I heard hooves nearing me.

I looked up to see swift wind.

"Anything?"I asked looking at his horn.

He shook his head.

"No, nothing"he said sadly while looking at me"Illusion I think it's time to-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence"I hissed to the horse,her shook slightly as my eyes flare slightly.

My face fell as I saw how scared he was,I whimpered and immediately curled up back in bed.

"I'm sorry swiftie"I said as tears fell out of my eyes..

Horse whinned sadly and nuzzled me.

"She has to be out there somewhere,maybe she's too far from Brightmoon"I said shakily.

Swiftwind nuzzled me before leaving as I curled up and cried myself to sleep.

Swift wind's Pov:

I left Illusion's room,my head hung low, Illusion needed her mother back.

I don't were she was but she needed come back.

Illusion was starting to get outbursts again.

Mainly sadness and anger.

She had already and a screaming match with Glimmer which left Illusion in tears.

The only one that had been able to calm her down was Echo.

Echo's pov:

I had back to Illusion's room carrying some food.

Illusion may not like the brightmoon food but she needed to eat.

I opened her door and I frowned seeing her hugging the sword close.

"llu"I said softly,"you need to eat something"

She took the sandwich from me and ate it slowly.

I watched her and she finished the sandwich.

I cuddled her close as she hugged me.

"it's ok llu,she'll come back"I said softly to her.

She wept and cuddled me.

Adora needed to come back.

Adora's Pov:

I looked out Illusion's balcony.

Illusion was asleep in her room and was doing better now.

I sighed.

I wondered what Illusion was doing,did she miss me..

I looked at the pin illusion gave me on my first day here, I missed my Illusion but now this illusion needed me.

I sighed and looked back at the empty sky.

I missed Illusion.

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