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No Pov:

Adora stared in shock at the girl in front of her.

Illusion looked so different.

She had shorter hair,scars littering her face and she looked tired,not just if she had missed a night's sleep but more like a year's worth of sleep.

Adora teared up and ran towards illusion but the girl stood back from her and glared.

"What happened to you?"Adora asked as tears began to form.

Illusion looked at her,her face held a mixture of sadness, disgust and anger.

"Alot happened"

The group turned to see Catra walk towards them.

"Woah!"Illusion yelled as she held her sword and Glimmer and Bow got Infront of her.

"Put down your weapons we aren't threats"Catra said.

She also looked different,she had gold wrist bands around her arms and calfs.

Her hair was shorter but not by that much and brushed back into a messy ponytail.

Her outfit was also different,with it being more reddish with gold highlights.

The rebellion symbol stitched over the horde symbol.

Her mask helmet was gone as well.

"Catra?"Adora said confused.

Catra smirked.

"Yep it's me"

The purple cat like creature whinned sadly as it nuzzled illusion who gently petted it.

"How did you two get here?"Adora asked.

"We stole portal technology to look for you"Illusion said.

Her voice was raspy,as if she hadn't spoke for years.

Adora winced hearing her,she wasn't her illusion anymore,she wasn't grumpy or energetic.

She was defeated,sad.

Catra turned to illusion.

"Do you want me to tell her?"Catra asked softly.

Illusion nodded.

"Illusion was kidnapped when protecting Glimmer,she saved Glimmer and me from horde prime"Catra said.

Adora looked at the ground.

Did she cause this.

Catra patted Illusion's shoulder sadly as the girl looked at her and gave her a small smile.

Adora felt something inside her.

Did she feel jealous?

Was she jealous that Catra had taken her role?

Adora shook her head,she couldn't let her anger get the better of her,she had to help her now.

Adora saw Illusion walk over to her and look at her.

"Woah"Illusion said as the other one growled.

"Ok we should probably give nicknames"Glimmer said.

Before She-Ra illusion could say anything Adora's illusion spoke up.

"I'll do it,I want to forget anyway"

Adora winced sadly hearing that,she had gone through so much.

"Call me red"Illusion said"red and melog"

Melog purred and nuzzled illusion.

"Come on,we better get them to the castle"Glimmer said as they began to lead them away.

Adora stayed for a few seconds, sadly watching illusion walk away,she felt guilty but now at least she could help her.

She began to catch up to the group but someone was watching.

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