Chapter 4: Avengers Tower

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Y/N's P.O.V

We're now on our way back to New York after getting back the scepter.

Mr. Stark is upfront flying the jet, while the rest of us in the back.

I'm with Cap watching over the scepter, but I can't stop thinking about what I saw back there.

Those stones and that purple figure, it means something. I know it.

I come back to reality when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I look to see Cap there.

Steve: Hey, Y/N. You okay, kid? Tony told me about what happened to you with the enhanced girl.

Y/N: Yeah. Yeah, I'm good. Just thinking.

I take off my mask.

Thankfully, all the Avengers know my identity now so I don't have to breathe through spandex the whole time.

We then hear Nat speak up.

Natasha: Thor. Report on the Hulk?

Thor: The gates of hell are filled with the screams of his victims.

Thor said this proudly.

I see Banner's head drop as he was upset by this.

So I hit Thor's arm as to say "What the fuck don't say that."

Thor quickly works to correct himself.

Thor: Not the screams of the dead of course. No, no wounded screams. Mainly whimpering and a great deal of complaining.

As Thor went on Cap and I just lower our heads in disbelief.

Mr. Stark comes over after having Jarvis take over as pilot.

Tony: It feels good yeah? I mean we've been looking for this thing ever since S.H.I.E.L.D went under. Though I have enjoyed our raiding parties.

Thor: Yes, but this brings all of that to a close.

Steve: As soon as we find out what this has been used for. And I don't just mean their weapons.

Y/N: Cap's right. I mean Tony showed me Strucker's file. How is someone like him capable of human enhancement.

Tony: Well, Banner and I will give it the once over before it goes with Thor back to Asgard. You know, just for a few days before the party. You're staying right?

Thor then puts his hand on my shoulder.

Thor: Yes, of course. A victory such as this one should be honoured with revels.

Y/N: And who doesn't love revels, right?

Tony: Captain?

Steve: Well this hopefully puts an end to both the Chitari and HYDRA. So yes, revels.

Tony nods his head in approval.

(One hour later)

(Queens, New York)

An hour later we make it back to New York.

Tony lands the quinjet down.

Ms. Romanoff helps Dr. Cho get Barton to the med bay.

A moment later Hill comes into the jet where Tony, Cap and I were.

Maria: The lab is set up, boss.

Tony then looks at Hill.

Tony: Oh no Cap's the boss. I just designed everything and make us all look cooler.

I chuckle.

Cap and I went over to Hill.

Steve: So, what's the word on Strucker?

Maria: NATO got him.

Steve: And the human enhanced?

Maria: Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins. They were orphaned at age ten when a shell collapsed their family home.

Hill tells us more about the twins as we walk to the elevator.

Cap and I go up to join the others.

(Five minutes later)

So I've just been to check on Clint in the med bay.

I leave to get some drinks with Mar. Stark and we run into Bruce.

Bruce: So, how's he doing?

Tony: Well, he's still Barton.

Bruce: That's terrible.

Tony: I'm kidding. He's fine.

Y/N: He's just thirsty.

When we come back with some drinks and hear Dr. Cho talking.

Dr. Cho: The cradle I have at my lab could do this in twenty minutes.

I walk in and put the drinks down.

Tony: Oh no, he's flat-lining call it. Time.

Romanoff giggle at this.

Clint: No no no, I'm gonna live forever. I'm gonna be made of plastic.

Y/N: Just hang in there, Mr. Barton.

Clint: You ain't getting rid of me that easy, kid. And just call me Clint.

Dr. Cho: You'll be made of you, Mr. Barton. Your girlfriend won't be able to tell the difference.

Clint: I don't have a girlfriend.

Dr. Cho: That I can't fix.

Cho looks at Tony.

Dr. Cho: This is the next big thing Tony. Your metal suits are gonna be left in the dust.

Tony: Well that is exactly the plan. And Helen I expect to see you at the party in a few days, feel free to bring a plus one.

Dr. Cho: Unlike you I don't have alot of time for parties.

She then looks down.

Dr. Cho: Will Thor be there?

Y/N: Ah, looks like she doesn't need a plus one, Tony.

Tony: What about you, kid? I mean there's a girl, right?

I sigh.

Y/N: Oh, come on. I regret telling you that now.

Natasha: So, there's a girl who's stole the little Spider's heart?

Y/N: It's nothing like that. I don't love her and I'm not in love with her or anything. It's just a crush.

Natasha: Aw, that's so cute. What's her name?

Y/N: I'm not saying anything. And it doesn't matter. I couldn't invite her, anyway. Inviting her would mean I'd have to tell her I'm Spider-Man... and I'm not ready for that yet.

Clint: Don't tell her anything, kid. She'll only use it against in the future. All women do it.

I chuckle as Romanoff rolls her eyes.

Y/N: I'll keep that in mind.

I sigh.

Y/N: Look, I gotta go. I better let my mum know I'm still alive.

I put my mask on and walk out of the med bay.

I also need to clear my head by swinging. I still can't get over what I saw back in Sokovia.

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