Chapter 55: A Call For Help

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(Queens, New York. April, 2018. Y/N's age: 18)

Y/N's P.O.V

I slowly open my eyes and roll over in bed to see Tara isn't in bed with me.

She and I spent the night at her house.

I sit up.

Y/N: Tara?

She comes out of her bathroom.

Tara: I'm here. Time to get out of bed.

Y/N: Do we have to? Can we just stay in bed all day?

She giggles.

Tara: That'd be nice, at least for now. Cause you still owe me a lunch date, mister.

I smile.

Y/N: Yeah, I know.

She climbs back into bed with me and we cuddle.

(Three hours later)

So Tara and I have just had lunch together.

We're now walk down the street holding hands.

Tara: This is nice.

Y/N: Yeah, it is.

Tara: Just getting to spend time with my boyfriend.

Y/N: Yeah, I know that I've been in Spider-Man mode for the past couple of weeks. So I wanted to make up for that.

Just then my spider sense goes off.

A second later we see a truck speed past.

Tara: Is that what I think it is?

Y/N: Yep. Bad guys.

Tara: Go.

I nod and run down an alleyway to suit up.

Once I'm suited up I swing after the truck.

(Five minutes later)

I swing in and land on the truck as the crew is robbing the armored truck infront of it.

Y/N: Hey, guys.

They all look at me.

Y/N: So, I'm no lawyer, but I'm pretty sure this'll put you behind bars for at least ten years.

Robber: Spider-Man, kill him!

They fire at me, but I jump into the air to avoid the bullets.

I drop in and uses my webs to knock them off their feet.

Once they're down I web them to the ground.

After that the cops show up and I look up to see Sam on a nearby rooftop.

Y/N: What the?

I web zip up there and land next to her.

Tara: Oh, hi, Spider-Man.

Y/N: Hello, Miss. Carpenter.

I take off my mask.

Y/N: How'd you get here so fast?

Tara: I followed you here and climbed up the fire escape. I thought this would make a good story for my final story for the school newspaper.

Y/N: Oh, really?

Tara: Yep. And I got some good pics too.

She shows me them.

Y/N: Hmm. Pretty good.

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