Chapter 75: Spider-Man The Cat

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(Queens, New York. October, 2021. Y/N's age: 22)

Right now Ben and I are out in the city as Spider-Man and Scarlet Spider.

We swing through the city as we're racing to see who's faster.

I land down on the rooftop ledge finishing line and Ben lands down a second later.

Ben: Ah, damn it.

I turn to him as we take our masks off.

Y/N: I win again.

Ben: Yeah, I saw that.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Don't worry, I'm sure you'll win. One day.

Just then we hear Harry come over the comms.

Harry: Y/N, Ben? You there?

Y/N: Yeah, we're here. What's up?

Harry: There's been a robbery and an attack from Shocker downtown. I'm sending you the coordinates.

Y/N: Got it.

I look to Ben.

Y/N: You deal with Shocker, I'll look into that robbery. I get the feeling there's more to the robbery.

Ben: I'm on it.

We fist bump before we put our masks back on.

After that we web swing away in different directions.

(Thirty minutes later)

So, after checking out the crime scene, I have somewhere else to go.

Tao's bodaga was robbed, he's an old friend of mine. Or as Spider-Man.

Apparently, the robber's took his cat and are held up in the nearby power plant.

I'm on my way there now.

I contact Harry over the comms.

Y/N: Hey, Harry. You there?

Harry: Yeah, man. I'm here. What's going on?

Y/N: Tao's Bodaga was robbed and the thieves are held up in the power plant nearby.

Harry: Oh, crap. What do you need from me?

Y/N: I might need some doors unlocked or something. So, I need you to hack into the plant's security systems.

Harry: Okay, I'm on it. Have fun in there.

Y/N: I always do.

I make it to the power plant and crawl in through the vents.

Y/N: Ah, the vents. My home away from home.

I make it to the other side and see the thieves.

Harry: Y/N, I'm in the security system.

Y/N: Perfect timing, Harry.

Harry: Wait, what are these guys doing?

Y/N: They're smashing up the equipment.

Harry: Are they trying to cause a blackout or something?

Y/N: No idea. Got stop it either way.

I drop down and they see me.

Y/N: Hey, fellas. You got room for one more?

Robber: Spider-Man! Get him, boys!

They come at me and I hit one in the face by web zipping at him.

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