Chapter 74: Spider-Man: Hammerhead & The Maggia Prologue

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Hey there, everyone. It's Y/N L/N and I'm back just to catch you all up on things.

It's been six months since the Avengers stopped Thanos and his evil forces, the world is now somewhat back to normal. Things have been crazy as half of Earth's population has just come back after being dead for three years. The GRC have been working on getting things back to normal, it's not been easy.

My team and I are working overtime in the city as alot of my rogue's gallery have been trying to take advantage of all the craziness, much like the Flagsmashers just within New York.

The Avengers have been temporarily disbanded, I decided to do this as given what happened all of us need to take a step back from the Avengers. Senior members like myself, Natasha, Sam and Rhodey have commlinks that should only be used if the Avengers need to be reformed as a new team. I just hope we'll be able to come back together before another Thanos-like threat shows up.

In my personal life, things have been going well. Tara and I are still together. We also moved out of my family home as mum and Ray are back. We're now living in a nice new apartment that was gift from Tony. Speaking of which, I'm actually working with Tony at Stark Industries and it's really great.

Well, that's all for right now. You're caught up.

Goodbye for now, guys.

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