Chapter 73: The Return of The Stones

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(Ten days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

So, it's been ten days since the Avengers and I defeated Thanos.

After a couple days in a coma I woke up in Wakanda. I can't believe I survived that snap.

My left arm is all scarred up, but I still have use of it.

Dr. Strange said that the scars will fade over time, but won't be gone permanently.

Anyway, right now I'm with Tony, Steve and Bruce.

Steve and I are taking the stones back to their proper places in the timeline.

I'm currently wearing my red and black Spider-Man suit.

(A/N: Just a reminder for what the suit looks like

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(A/N: Just a reminder for what the suit looks like.)

I'll be returning the Space, Reality and Power Stones to their proper places in the timeline, while Cap takes the Mind, Time and Soul Stones to their proper places.

Tony and Bruce open up two cases that now has the stones in it.

Tony: Now remember Cap, Spidey, you two have to return the stones to the exact place we got 'em from. Otherwise you're gonna open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities.

Steve: Don't worry, Tony. We know.

Y/N: Clip all the branch's.

Steve and I close the cases up.

Sam and I walk with Steve.

Sam: Cap, if you want I can come with you.

Cap and smile.

Steve: You're a good man, Sam.

Y/N: He's right, but this one's on us, Sam.

He nod.

Steve then says goodbye to the other's.

I go over to talk to say goodbye to Tara.

She and I hug before pulling away.

Tara: Are you sure you're okay to do this? I mean after what happened.

She runs her hand down my scarred arm.

I nod.

Y/N: Yeah, I'll be okay. My arm's still a little sore, but I'll live.

Tara: Okay, good. I was just checking.

She kisses me on the cheek.

Sam: Be careful, Tiger.

Y/N: I will.

We lean in and kiss.

After that I put on my mask.

I then go over to Cap and we step up onto the platform.

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