Chapter 60: Iron-Man Returns

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(The next day)

(Upstate New York)

Y/N's P.O.V

The other's and I have just made it back to the Avengers Compound.

I've tried to get in touch with my mum and Tara, but nothing.

We touch down and immediately run out as soon as the ramp comes down.

Steve: Y/N, slow down.

I turn to Cap.

Y/N: Steve, I can't. I need to know if my mum and girlfriend are...

I look over to see Tara's car parked up.

Y/N: Wait, that's Tara's car.

I turn to see the door open and Tara rushes out.

Tara: Y/N!

I run over to her and we hug each other tightly.

Y/N: I thought you were gone.

Tara: I thought you were gone.

We pull away.

Tara: What happened?

I sigh.

Y/N: We lost. Ray is gone and so are other's. My mum and my sister...?

She nods.

Tara: Kira's okay. She's inside asleep, but I'm sorry. Your mum is gone.

Tears run down my face.

Y/N: Damn it.

Tara: I'm so sorry, baby.

Y/N: It's okay. What about your mum?

Tara: My mum's gone too.

Y/N: I'm sorry, Tara.

We hug again.

They're gone. They're all gone.

(Two weeks later)

It's now been two weeks since the snap happened and we're still trying to find Tony.

Hopefully, he can help us find Thanos.

We've been trying to find him ourselves, but it's not been working.

Though we did find out that both Nick Fury and Maria Hill got dusted too.

And we found a beeper that Fury had.

It's still going off sending a signal to someone.

Steve, Nat and I are watching what's happening over the world due to the snap.

Steve: This is a nightmare.

Natasha: I've had better nightmares.

Y/N: I still can't believe this is happening.

Harry: Hey.

We turn to see Harry in the room.

Harry: So, that thing just stopped doing whatever the hell it was doing.

We leave with Harry and join Bruce, Ben and Rhodes that are currently in the room with the beeper.

Y/N: Alright, what we got?

Bruce: Whatever signal it was sending out has finally crapped out.

Steve: I thought we bypassed the battery.

Rhodey: We did, it's still plugged in. It just stopped for some reason.

Y/N: Reboot it, send the signal again.

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