Chapter 12: Ultron's Grand Plan

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Y/N's P.O.V

As we make our way to Sokovia in the quinjet, Steve makes one of his famous Captain America speeches.

Steve: Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire. That's what we signed up for, the people of Sokovia didn't, so our first priority is getting them out. All they want to do is live their lives in peace, and that's not gonna happen today. But we can do whatever it takes to protect them. We find out what Ultron's been building, we find Romanoff, and clear the people out. We keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monster's, this isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right or not.

I gotta say that last part is important. Is Ultron right or wrong?

Once we're out of the quinjet I help Cap evacuate civilians to get them out of the city.

Then out of nowhere Cap and I get attacked by Ultron bot's that are coming out of the ground.

He and I fight them off we feel the ground start to shake.

Y/N: What the hell is going on?

Steve: No idea, but I don't like it.

We look over the edge to see part of the city is taking off into the air.

Y/N: Well this isn't good.

Steve: No. No it is not.

We then hear Ultron give a speech through his bot's, which are just an extension of himself.

Ultron: Do you see? The beauty of it? The inevitability. You rise, to the fall. You, Avengers you are my meteor. The earth will crack with the weight of all your failures. Disconnect me.from your computers, turn my own against me. It doesn't matter. Becuase once the dust settles the only thing living on this planet, will be metal.

While I'm fighting more bot's at the end of the bridge, I get tackled by a bot and sent flying into the front of a car.

Tony: Hey, kid, you got incoming.

I groan.

Y/N: Incoming already came in.

Cap comes over and helps me up.

Steve: Stark, you worry about getting the city back down. The rest of us have one job. Tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, Walk it off.

Steve and I nod to each other and go back to fighting Ultron bot's.

Just then I see bots get shot down and I look up to see uncle Markus.

He's firing at them from an elevated position.

Cap and I continue fighting and we hear Hulk roaring.

Bruce must have gotten Natasha and hopefully she's okay and be here soon.

I go back to the bridge as I see a woman in a car about to go over the edge.

So, I grab the bumper, but it rips off and the woman goes falling down.

I see Thor coming up then he goes back for her throwing her up. I slide down and catch her.

Y/N: Hey! It's okay! I've got you! Just look at me!

I manage to get her back up, as I do I see an Ultron bot coming at me.

Ultron: You can't save them all, boy.

I spin a web at him.

Ultron: You'll never...

Before he could finish I pull the bot towards me clotheslining it sending it down to the ground below.

Y/N: "Never" what? You didn't finish!

I turn to see another car land and Thor land on top of it.

Thor jumps down and walks ahead of me.

Y/N: What, were you napping?

Thor and I get back to the fight he goes to help Steve and Widow taking down bot's.

Y/N: Whoa. 

I web zip in and take down bots charging at her.

We look at each other.

Natasha: Thanks.

Y/N: No problem.

We join Cap and fight the Ultron bots off.

(Five minutes later)

We've now managed to get all the civilians in the main building in the city.

Cap and Tony we're talking about a way to save the city and the poeple on it.

Natasha: Steve, these people aren't going anywhere. If Tony finds a way to blow this rock....

Steve: Not until everyone's safe.

Natasha looks at Steve.

Natasha: All the poeple up versus all the people down there. There's no math here.

Steve: We're not leaving one civilian on this thing.

Y/N: Steve's right. We have to save these people.

Natasha: I'm not saying we should leave. I mean where else am I gonna get a view like this?

We then heard a voice come over the comms.

???: I'm glad you like the view, Romanoff. It's about to get better.

As we hear this we see a S.H.I.E.L.D helicarrier come up into view.

It turns out Fury gathered memebers of S.H.I.E.L.D so we could get some back-up.

Nick Fury: Nice right? Pulled her out of some mothballs with a few old friends. She's dusty, but she'll do.

Y/N: Holy crap. Fury, you son of a bitch.

Nick Fury: Whoa, you kiss your mother with that mouth, boy?

We then see life boats coming out of the carrier.

After that Pietro runs over to us.

Pietro: This is S.H.I.E.L.D? 

Steve: It's what S.H.I.E.L.D suppose to be.

Pietro: This is not so bad.

Y/N: It's awesome.

We then see Warmachine flying through the sky.

Steve: Let's get 'em on board.

We all gather outside to help get the civilians on the life boat's.

Ad we're doing this, Tony gives us the details on his plan of how to bring down the city.

Thor then tells us that the bot's are coming for the core that could drop the city.

Tony: Alright, Rhodey get the rest of the people on the carrier.

Rhodey: I'm on it.

Tony: Avengers, it's time to work for a living.

Y/N: Let's do this.

We all start heading to the church to get ready for the final showdown.

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