Chapter 41: The Siberia Outpost

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Y/N's P.O.V

Cap, Bucky and I have made it to Siberia.

Steve lands the quinjet near the entrance of the old HYDRA base.

I put my mask on as I get out of my seat.

After that I hit the button and the ramp lowers.

When I go outside I turn back to see the two men out of time talking about a story from their past.

Bucky: She's gotta be at least a hundred years old now.

Steve puts his hand on Bucky's shoulder.

Steve: So are we, pal.

Bucky nods.

Y/N: Alright old timers, let's do this.

Cap and Bucky smile and join me outside in the snow.

Once we get closer we see that the door to the base is open.

That means the doctor is already here.

Y/N: He can't have been here more than a few hours.

Bucky: That's long enough to wake them up.

The three of us go inside and head over to the elevator to get down to the lower levels.

Bucky says that's where HYDRA kept the Super Soldier's.

Once the elevator stops Steve kneels down and opens up the door.

Bucky and I look around to make sure we don't get jumped by the super soldiers.

We make our way up the steps, then hear a bang from behind us.

We all turn.

Steve: You two ready?

Y/N & Bucky: Ready.

We then see the door start to open and see Tony in his suit come through the door.

Tony retracts his helmet as he comes towards us

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Tony retracts his helmet as he comes towards us.

Tony: You boys seem a little defensive.

Steve and I walk forward, but stay on the defensive.

Steve: Well, it's been a long day.

He looks up at Bucky who's covering us from the steps.

Tony: At ease soldier, I'm not currently after you.

Y/N: Then what are you doing here, Tony?

He looks to me.

Tony: Well kid, it turns out your story isn't so crazy.

He leans against the wall.

Tony: Ross has no idea I'm here and I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise I've gotta arrest myself.

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