Chapter 45: Vanessa Gives Birth

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(Three days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

It's been three days since my friends and I graduated from Mid-Town High.

Ben, Harry and I are now moving into the place Mr. Osborn owns.

Mum and Ray are helping me get my stuff into my room while Ben and Harry are out.

I see mum walk into my room carrying a box.

Y/N: Whoa, mum. What'd I say? No carrying boxes. Just the small stuff, remember?

She sighs.

Vanessa: Y/N, I've been pregnant before. I know what I can handle.

Y/N: Yeah, but that was a long time ago. I just don't want you to get hurt.

Vanessa: I know, baby. And I love you for that.

Just then Ray comes in with the last box.

Ray: Okay, that's the last of it.

Y/N: Great. Thanks, Ray.

Ray: No problem. This is a good workout for me.

I chuckle.

Mum then starts tearing up.

Y/N: Come on, mum. Don't cry, please.

Vanessa: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just I can't believe my little boy is moving out.

Y/N: Mum, I'm only a couple of blocks away. I'll be able to see you all the time. It's not like I'm moving to Mars.

Ray: He's right, sweetie. Y/N's gonna be okay. He's Spider-Man after all.

Y/N: Exactly.

Vanessa: I know, but you're still my baby.

Y/N: I know, mum. It's good that I'm gone, you'll have a room for the baby.

Vanessa: The baby already has a room.

Y/N: Oh, yeah. Then just turn my room into a play room or something.

I look to Ray.

Y/N: Or you can turn it into a man cave, Ray.

He smiles.

Ray: I like that sound of that.

Vanessa: Oh, no. That's not happening.

We laugh.

Vanessa: Well, I better... ah!

Y/N: Whoa, mum.

Ray: Vanessa, what's wrong.

Vanessa: Ah!

Her eyes widen.

Vanessa: Oh, no. I think my water just broke.

Y/N & Ray: Oh, shit.

Ray: We've gotta get her to the hospital.

Y/N: Okay, I'll swing her there.

Ray: No, don't. That could be dangerous for her and the baby.

Vanessa: He's... right...

Y/N: Right. I guess we're driving then. You get the car ready and I'll make sure she gets down safely.

Ray: Got it.

He rushes out of the room.

I hold mum's hand.

Y/N: Okay, mum. I got you. We're gonna get you to the hospital.

Vanessa: Okay... I trust you.

Mum and I leave the condo and I lock the door before leaving with her.

(One hour later)

Mum, Ray and I made it to the hospital.

I'm outside in the waiting room while mum and Ray in the delivery room.

I've called Tara and she should be here any minute.

???: Y/N.

I look over to see Tara coming over.

Y/N: Tara, hey.

She and I hug.

Tara: Hey. How's your mum?

We pull away.

Y/N: She's okay, I think. We got her here okay. Ray's in there with her now.

Tara: Okay, that's good. I talked to Ben. He'll watch over the city while we're here.

Y/N: Great. Thanks for being here.

Tara: Of course.

We sit down together.

Y/N: All we can do is wait.

Tara: Then we'll do that.

We sit back and Tara rests her head on my shoulder.

(Eight hours later)

We've been waiting for the past eight hours and Tara has fallen asleep on my shoulder.

Just then I see Ray comes out.

Ray: Y/N.

Y/N: Hey, Ray.

Ray: You wanna come and meet your baby sister?

I smile.

Y/N: Yeah. I'll meet you in there.

He nods before leaving.

I gently shake Tara.

Y/N: Tara. Tara, wake up. Come on, babe.

She groans a little before opening her eyes.

Tara: What? What is it?

Y/N: The baby's here. It's a girl too.

She smiles.

Tara: That's great. You go ahead, I'll be in once I've woken up a bit and gone to the bathroom.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Okay, babe.

I kiss her on the forehead before leaving.

I go to my mum's room and open the door.

Y/N: Hey, guys.

They both look at me.

Vanessa: Hey, baby.

I walk over to them.

Y/N: How you feeling?

Vanessa: I'm okay. Just tired.

Y/N: Good.

Vanessa: Y/N, meet your little sister. This is Kira Louise Palmer.

I smile.

Y/N: Hey, Kira. I'm your big brother.

Mum looks at me.

Vanessa: Do you wanna hold her?

Y/N: Yeah, okay.

She gently passes Kira to me.

Y/N: Hi there.

She coos and grabs my finger with her hand.

Y/N: Wow. She's great.

Ray: I'm just glad our little girl has a big brother to look out for her.

Vanessa: Me too. Even though he'll be the most overprotective big brother in the world.

I chuckle.

Ray: Good point.

Vanessa: It'll be especially true when Kira discovers boys.

Y/N; Yeah and if a boy breaks her heart, then her big brother will break his legs. Isn't that right, Kira?

They both laugh.

I can't believe I have a little sister now.

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