(S2) TᕼE ᒪᗩᗰIᑎᗩ᙭ ᖴᗩᑕIᒪITY #8 - The Vision.

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Jason headed over to the lake beside Ava. They peered down underneath, and could just make out the faint glow of Bloodclaw, the wisp. "I don't want to go for a swim..." Ava muttered. "Is that normal shork behaviour? I'm sort of cold. And hungry. Gosh, I'm really hungry! When do they feed us?" 

"We get two courses a day. Brunch and Dinner," Winter explained. "I think brunch is going to be really soon. Oh! here they come!" The last four words were nervous, like he was deathly afraid of the scientists.

Oh, of course, Jason thought. The scientists do experiments on them all the time! Winter must hate it. All gootraxians must hate it.

Jason dipped his tail in the water. It gushed past his glossy, waterproof, emerald fur. I wish we weren't caught... he thought. There must be a way to escape. I'll figure out soon enough.

The scientists jumped up metal stairs to the top of the glass. There they opened a small trapdoor, and emptied out their food. Jason counted

5 live rabbits

8 dead rabbits

Two buckets of live field mice (some dead cuz of suffocation, I guess)

Two live doe

A small stag

A dead, half-eaten bullfrog (what)

A couple of dead, plump chickens

Bucketloads of flopping, fat fish in different sizes

Jason watched as in Winter's terrarium of cattes, they also got almost the same amount of prey, but no fish at all, instead being replaced by hunks of moose flesh.


How was Jason supposed to eat that?! The prey was raw! He wasn't used to eating raw food! Ava seemed to be thinking the same thing. "How-" He asks her. 

"I don't know! I think we should just try eating it raw, I guess..."

Suddenly, one of the doe came trampling across the terrarium, past Jason. Sudden instinct flared up inside him. With a springing pounce, he leaped onto the back of the dear and brutally ripped at its spine. The deer gave an alarmed squawk and collapsed, but struggled as Jason held him down. Ava shut her eyes quickly. Jason clawed his way up the deer's back and to its neck. With a sudden movement, the deer sprang up and tried to run. Immediately, Jason was shook off by the sudden movement, but his claw's didn't leave is prey. He heaved himself up its leg and tore at its flank. At once, the skin was ripped open and seamless fall of organs flowed out of the opening. As soon as Jason's paws hit the blood, as soon as the scarlet mass stained his claws, a lightning-sharp pain flared over Jason's body. He felt Ava scream his name as he slipped away into darkness.

The dimly lit walls blurred slightly as Birch drowsily rubbed his eyes. He sat up and looked around. Where was he? And where was mother? He crawled a few paces and felt something squishy and soothing squelching beneath his paws. He saw the faint glow of a slimepup under his paws.  With a grunt, he picked it up with his front paws and inspected the little puppy as clear as he could. In some places, chunks of its gooey flesh was gone. Eaten away. The slimepup whimpered softly as he picked up the body and snuggled it close. Birch could smell panther on the slimepup. That's what must have happened. He could hear his own breathing in the room. Crrrrreeeeeaaaakkkk. 'Mother?' he whispered. No, it wasn't his mother. Strange figures loomed out of the darkness, holding strange objects in their slender, bony hands. These were humans. Mother has told him about these dangerous creatures. They are deadly. The slimepup whined and wriggled out of his arms, bounding to a corner of the room. The humans edged closer, slowly, creeping up to him in a steady pace. The suddenly, one lunged. Its movements were swift and quick, and in a deliberate second his neck was pinned between its body and arm. Birch shrieked, and tried clawing at the arm, but his claws hadn't fully grown in yet and the humans arms was wrapped in a heavy fabric. Birch drooped. Mother was going to save him, wasn't she? Suddenly, another scientist appeared, and drew out a long scalpel. Birch stared at the gleaming, sharp object as the scientist moved it towards him slowly. Them, with a swift movement, the scientist stabbed the scalpel into his ribs. Birch roared with pain. The first scientist let go of him and he flung himself onto the floor. His arms were too weak to yank the object out of his ribs. Blood began to flow out of the wound, staining his fur a vibrant scarlet. Birch whimpered. The scientists towered over him. With a hiss, he lashed out at the scientist with claws sheathed. Missed. Another scientist appeared from the shadows, gave a sly smirk, and drew out a long, bloody katana. Birch screamed as the scientist drew back the katana. It went through his stomach quickly and easily. Birch howled in agony and the scientist pulled the bloody katana back out. Birch collapsed. He felt his own blood flow out of his would as he writhed and roared in pain. 

The scientists were gone, the only sounds he could hear was his own ragged breathing, and dripping and pouring of his blood. He felt something warm, soft and squishy beside him. The slimepup. It licked his tears, whimpered, and curled up beside him. At least there was a life beside him as he perished. But there was something he wanted more than another life with him right now. As the room slowly became blurry, Birch bit back a whine. 

"Mother... Where are you?" he whispered.

And then everything went black.

Some extra information is that Birch is a baby Mocha (Mochi)


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