(S2) TᕼE ᒪᗩᗰIᑎᗩ᙭ ᖴᗩᑕIᒪITY #10: The second vision

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Ebony gave a furious roar. Blood poured down his wounded arm like a waterfall and he felt the pain of the sleeping dart marching quickly to his heart. A panther was immune to darts, but they still felt the painful chemicals of it in their bloodflow, and it would hurt for days. He lashed out at the scientists, and his claws caught one's arm. With a strangled ripping noise, he brutally tore off the scientist's arm. The slender limb flew and bounced a few times before settling limp on the ground, pouring scarlet. The wounded scientist screamed with agony and Ebony leaped on top of it, slashing its throat and ending its pain. The remaining two scientists hollered and darted to the corners, holding weapons in their shaking hands. That's what you get for trying to tranquillise me, Ebony thought. Instinctively, he picked the the slimepup he was trying to protect and hugged it close. Wow, Ebony. Trying to protect prey? You're crazy. One of the scientists darted forward and swiped a katana at him. The panther dropped on all fours, one paw still holding the slimepup against his chest, and growled. The second scientist ran forward and bashed Ebony on the back with a bat. He roared with surprise and loosened his grip on the slimepup. The jelly-like puppy instantly bounded away from the fighting, whining. Ebony jumped up and shot towards the scientist, paw raised, and gave a hard blow to its stomach. The scientist gave an oof and clutched its stomach in pain, then glared at the panther, poised to strike again. Ebony leaped at the scientist and slashed his claws across its face, then kicked it in the stomach again as he missed. He darted to the left as the scientist struck with its bat, and whacked the scientist hard on the head. The scientist yelled out to the other one, and Ebony turned around. 


It had been a trap. The other scientist had a large container full of blobby slimepup flesh, and the poor creature was lying on the floor, breathing raggedly. Chunks of its body had been scooped out and its white mask was lopsided, as if it had been forced off and then stuck on again. 


Ebony sprinted towards the scientist with the container with a roar... Unaware of the danger, he pounced.

The blade of the katana pierced his stomach.

He gave a shriek and toppled backwards, and the katana slipped out, along with a burst of mahogany blood. Ebony collapsed. Blood flowed out of the wound quickly. Im going to die.

The second scientist chattered to the other one and pointed at both Ebony and the slimepup. The first one took hold of Ebony's scruff, dragging him out of the room and leaving a trail of blood behind them. They left the slimepup. Ebony thought, relived through the agony. At least it's safe.

He coughed and a bigger wave of blood poured out of his wound.

The room was spinning.

Ebony flinched and his tail twitched

Then he slipped into darkness. 

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