(S2) TᕼE ᒪᗩᗰIᑎᗩ᙭ ᖴᗩᑕIᒪITY #13: What's going on?

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Info: Ima also start using 'goos' as an abbreviation for 'gootraxian'

Jason shrieked for a moment, then another clamp went around his snout to shut him up. His breathing turned quick and ragged, eyes darting around the terrarium  was if his life depended on it. His eyes quickly pinned on Ava, sitting in some reeds, eyes wide with horror. Jason flailed around hopelessly, then received a painful jab in the ribs which made him stop and wince in pain. He was Aloe's still body, eyes glazed with anger, mouth twisted in fury, shooting blazes of savagery at the scientists. Jason then realised she was giving more of a reaction than Ava, and shuddered at the thought.

After lifting Jason from the terrarium...

Jason was forced still and quiet as they dragged him somewhere. He passed Winter, who waved at him and glared at the scientists, and as he passed Lunar, he made quite a racket

"DO NOT GET KILLED. YOU HEAR ME? DO NOT- I REPEAT DO. NOT. GET. KILLED! FIGHT AS BRUTALLY AS YOU CAN, AND DO NOT HESITATE TO KILL! JASON! YOU HEAR ME???!!!" Jason shut his eyes and tried to block his mind from Lunar's screams, and it slowly faded out from his ears. And before he knew it, him and the three scientists handling him came to a stop in front of a small metal door. It opened, one of the scientists jabbed him with a long stick, on the back, hard, into the dead-end opening and he yelped in pain and obeyed. He leapt into the room, which was  only wide and tall enough to fit him with his tail curled in front. Was this a test room, seeing how long a goo could hold in a tight room? The scientist with the stick held him against the wall with the stick, then after a few moments, yanked the stick out professionally as the door slammed shut. He yelped at the sudden noise, and then rubbed his back in agony, an obvious bruise forming in his fur. What was going to happen?! Would this room run out of oxygen? Then he felt the strangest sensation. It felt like the room was slowly, slowly rising, like an elevator, up to who-knows-where it could take him. His large, thick, and powerful green blaxor/shork tail curled up his front, making it slightly more difficult for it to breathe. He couldn't die in a way like this. What about all his parents, relatives, friends, Ava? Then, the strange sensation of the room moving up slowly, like an elevator, started to occur to him. What was this? Was he just hallucinating? Or was this room trying to torture him? Some kind of gas? The he felt something getting a bit warm behind his back. Then he realised with a jolt of horror that the wall behind him was being burnt from the outside.

*this chapter was uploaded and then unpublished bc of editing.*

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