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1 year later.

Hazel's POV

It's been a year since Nash passed away. Nothing was the same. I spend most of my time with Hayes or Matthew.

We all moved to California thinking it was the best if we leaved the state where everything happened. Across the country was the best for us. We all knew it was time to leave the gang life and start over. California gave us the new life we all needed.

Hayes is crushed. The moment he saw his brother laying on the ground dead that bright blue color in his eyes turned darker. He's quieter. He's sad. It takes a lot to make him better. He's gotten better. We've been each other rocks for the past year.

I've gotten better. We buried Nash in California. We decided he desrved to be in the same state as us. I visit his grave at least once a month, and every holiday. Not even going to lie, it breaks my heart every time.

Matthew and Mahogany always spend time with me. Help me through my feelings and do their best to make me smile.

Cameron and I have been more distant, but the first two months he made me sleep in his room to keep me safe at night. It was nice. We would discuss random things that never made sense.

"Hazel. How do you feel?" Matt asked while I was resting his head on my shoulder. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
"How do I feel? Awful. Like always. Especially since exactly a week ago was the 1 year anniversary of Nash being gone." I said staring at the wall. Matt sighed and pulled me closer.

"Nash wouldn't want you all down like this. He would want you being the Hazel Montgomery that lights up a room just by walking in." Matt whispered. I felt tears build up.

"I just miss him so much. I wanted to grow old with him. Have a family. Just live an amazing life with him." I said with tears building up.

Matt held me tighter. "It's all going to be okay. I promise. Just get some sleep. Love you." He said.

"Love you too." I whispered as I got comfortable on the couch and slowly fell asleep.

"Hazel, Hazel get up." A voice said while shaking me. I groaned and shot my leg out, "accidentally" hitting anyone who was trying to wake me up in the crotch. I opened my eyes to see Cameron drop to the floor. I couldn't help but laugh as Cameron groaned in pain. "Fuck. What was that for?"

"You woke me up. Your mistake not mine." I said simply helping him up on the couch. "What time is it?" I asked staring at the pitch black sky.

"Midnight. The best time for snacks." Cameron answered with a small smile. I rolled my eyes and started walking to the kitchen.

"What do you want?" I asked. He put his finger on his chin like he was thinking hard. He grabbed a bag a chip and sat on the counter. I smirked and sat beside him, stealing the bag.

"You know Hazel, I really missed you. We stopped talking even though we live together. I miss your smile. I miss your laugh. I miss your smart comments. Your beauty. Your sarcasm. I just really missed you." Cameron says looking into my eyes.

My mouth dropped slightly. My beauty? I never thought I would hear Cameron say anything like that to me.

Out of no where, Cameron quickly kissed me. Cameron is doing a lot of unexpected shit I'm not prepared for. "I'm so sorry I don't-"

I cut Cameron off by slamming my lips on his and kissing him passionately. I can't explain why it felt so right, but I knew for sure it was extremely right.

"Hazel. Please be mine?" He asked with hope filling his eyes.

"Cam, I want to say yes, but I'm not ready to rush into anything. Can we just take it's slow. Just slowly get in everything?" I asked. He smiled widely and nodded his head.

"Hazel you have no idea how long I wanted to ask you that. I'm willing to wait as long as you need me to. I will always wait for you. I promise." He said. I smiled widely.

We spent the night cuddled up on the couch watching Netflix and talking about random ass things.

4 months after that day...me and Cameron became official

2 months after that day...we told everyone. They all could already tell.

2 1/2 years after that day...Cam proposed and we got married three months later.

5 years after....Cam and I had a baby girl named Riley and twins on the way. Everyone was finally happy.

The end.

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