Chapter 16

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Hazel's POV

After Nash and I kissed we didn't talk. I don't mind though because I just needed to think. Are we dating? Are we just friends? I sighed a little. I looked up and gasped as I crashed into someone causing us both to fall down. I heard him groan a little. I looked up to see Shawn. "Shawn, oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I apologized helping him up. He laughed a little and said, "No, I'm sorry. I was looking at my phone." I sighed. "No, I was caught up in my own thought to pay attention." I said. Shawn raised his eyebrow. "Want to talk about it?" He asked. I sighed. "If you got time."

"Ok, so let me get this straight.." Shawn starts. "So, you and Nash kiss twice, but you aren't dating." Shawn says. I sigh and nod my head. "Well. Hazel, I think Nash like you. He has been acting different ever since he saw you after he ran away." Shawn said. I looked at him straight in the eyes. "Shawn. You're hiding something. " I say.

Shawn's POV

Shit. Shit. Shit. "I don't know what you're talking about." I said. She glared at me. "I would go full name on you but I only know your first name." She growled. I smirk a little. "That not my problem. Now let's go. We should head back home." I said and started walking down the hall. After a minute I realized she didn't move. I turn around and she stood there with her arms crossed. "I'm not moving until you tell me what going on." Hazel announced. I rolled my eyes and walked towards her. I was a couple inches taller than her so I was looking down at her. I threw her over my shoulder. "Shawwnn." She whined. I laughed. "By the way. My last name is Mendes." I said. "Hmm Shawn Mendes, has a nice ring to it." Hazel says laughing a little.

Hazel's POV

I was finally put down by Shawn once we reached everyone. Nash didn't look up but I could tell he smiling like crazy. I felt butterflies fly around my stomach. I decided to just ignore it. "Hey. I'm going to walk back. It's not that far. Anyone else want to join me?" Sam asked. Eveyone except for me looked at him like he crazy. I smiled. "I'll go. Sounds fun." I said. He smiled a little. It be nice to get to know Sam better. Considering I'll be living with him for awhile. We both walked out together. "So, what made you want to come with me?" Sam asked as we walked down the sidewalk. I looked up at him. "Well, because I love walking and I want to get to know you." I said smiling. He was about to say something until we heard two scream come from the alley beside us. We turned our head and saw two girls. We looked at each other and then ran down the alley. One had blonde, straight hair and the other one had brown curly hair. "Are you two ok?" I ask. They both shake their head. "What happen?" I ask The brown hair girl finally spoke up and said, "Our families are good friends, and we were suppose to go out to eat, but they threw us off here. I'm Rosie, this is Taylor." She says. I look at Sam and he nod his head. I smile. "Come with us." I say. They looked at each other and smiled a little. Taylor tried to get up but she fell back down. She hissed as she held her side. Sam automatically picked her up bridal style and started walking. Rosie was is good condition. "What happened to her?" I asked. "She fell down hard on her hip when her dad pushed us out of the car, but on a positive note, Taylor and the boy look cute together." She said. "His name Sam." I said. She smiled. I see a couple about to happen soon.

A/N: OOO NEW PEOPLE??? What are they going to be like? Figure out soon.

Love you all so much. Byyee

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