Chapter -25

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May. POV.

"Pleasure is all mine. " Alex replied.

The he put me down and he brought me in front of the table where the cake is place and together we cut down the cake because he is also the reason for my success because without him there would be no confident me.

After cutting and eating some cake I put my head down on his shoulder. I had holding his arm real close to me . With him all the anxiety,sadness and panic just vanishes and it is true when people says that Love changes you for the better. Then we both went to change our clothes to the comfortable one.
Alex wore a loose blue  t shirt and baggy black  pants and I wore yellow shorts and a half sleeved collared shirt.

We decided to order the dinner as we only wanted to enjoy each other's company for now. Me and Alex went to the TV room where basically all the things which Alex needs for his entertainment are there. He has books, pool table,video games ,etc. It is a huge room where you can stay and pass your time. The couches there are really comfortable and it feels as if they will embrace you. Me and Alex sat side by side and our shoulders were touching. We decided to watch a crime thriller movie. We have already brought snacks and put them on the the small sized table in front of us. In the middle of the movie our dinner was also delivered which Alex went to pick up. I brought water and plates . Then we ate together in the same plate while watching the movie. When the movie was near its end I felt Alex's head on my shoulder and when I looked at him I saw that he has fallen asleep.
My heart just cooed because I know that these days he wasn't able to sleep because of me and looking at him like that just makes my heart wrench . Seeing him like this just wants to do anything for me. I don't think I will ever be able to handle the separation of Alex and I know that I am head over heels in love with Alex.

I remained like that and saw the whole movie. After the movie was over I carefully laid Alex on the couch as it was big enough for two people to sleep. Then I took all the untensils and left over food to the kitchen. I put the utensils inside the sink and food in the refrigerator. Then I cleaned all the untensils and went to our room a took a blanket and went to the room where Alex was sleeping peacefully. I covered him with a blanket and also set the room temperature. Then I went to the washroom present inside the room and brought a wet towel from there and wiped Alex's face and hands. After doing all this I also washed my face and hands. Then I went to Alex's side and laid down next to him.

Just as I laid down next to him Alex's arms wrapped around my waist and brought me closer to him. My back was facing his chest . And his warm chest made me huddle closer to him. His this subconscious action brought a smile to my face. I also hugged his arms and went to the dream land where he is waiting for me.

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