chapter 13

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|ninetails unleashed!|

after saying my goodbyes to tamayo yushiro tanjiro and nezuko I make my way back to the stone estate when I get there my crow lands on my head"caw caw! oyakata-sama has summoned you to his estate!"I smile finally it's been a long time since I have seen blind gramps

after a long time of walking I finally reach blind gramps estate as I see him gyomei-sensei his wife amane kiriya and her two sisters"ah y/n I sense you are here?"

blind gramps speaks as I nod"yep i'm here"he smiles softly"I assume you have already met my son kiriya and his two sisters?"my eyes widen as my jaw falls open"wait kiriya your a guy!"

"I thought you knew...-anyways don't speak when father is speaking." "now now my children simmer down y/n me gyomei and amane have been giving it thought and we have decided to open the seal on her belly just a little bit"

I tilt my head to the side as I touch my stomach slightly"okay I wanna see how this turns out!"gyomei-sensei stands up"alright if the book said it correctly It should work like this" he kneels down to my height as he puts his hand on the seal twisting it 

as a bunch of orange chakra surrounds me as I feel a burning sensation gyomei backs up a little as the chakra slowly forms a fox like cloak around me the ears and then I slowly grow four tails as I feel the control slipping away'that's right y/n succumb to my hatred!'

the nine tails screams inside of my head as my skin slowly starts to peel off I get down on all fours the little control I used to have over the nine tails now lost as I let out a loud roar

the nine tails screams inside of my head as my skin slowly starts to peel off I get down on all fours the little control I used to have over the nine tails now lost as I let out a loud roar

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"oyakata-sama and you others please go inside the house where it's safe this is gonna get messy."gyomei-sensei speaks pulling out his spike chain axe and ball as I rush towards him raising my hand high as I am about to bring it down on him when he dodges at the last moment

 as he swings the chain and ball it wrapping around my body as I desperetly try to escape when I open my mouth as I use my tails to create a tailed beast bomb as I swallow it before opening my mouth wide shooting a beam towards him

the fight drags on as both me and gyomei-sensei are now severely injured before amane comes out of the house with a peice of paper I turn to obliterate her when gyomei-sensei's chains wrap around me"gyomei catch!" she throws the paper towards him ...

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the fight drags on as both me and gyomei-sensei are now severely injured before amane comes out of the house with a peice of paper I turn to obliterate her when gyomei-sensei's chains wrap around me"gyomei catch!" she throws the paper towards him which he catches as he lets me get close to him before I can hurt him any longer he slaps the seal on my forehead 

I the chakra slowly dissapears being sucked into the seal on my forhead as I regain control"h-huh..."I utter those last words before passing out as gyomei-sensei twists the seal again tightening it "so that's the power of the nine tails..."

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