chapter 60

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|making a move.|

"can that really be so?, my apoligies i brought gyutaro in so how shall i make amends should i gouge out my eyeball or..."muzan just replies stotically as he stands on the ceiling mixing his chemicals"that's not nessesary keep your eyeballs. i suspected gyutaro would lose though daki was a hinderance."

"he writes as he speaks to the all mighty upper ranks like they where nothing more then pawns in a game"if gyutaro had fought by himself he would have won he shouldn't have fought after poisoning them and instead brought me the jinchuriki doesn't matter now."

he speaks in a slightly angered tone ever chance he sends his upper rank demons the jinchuriki evades capture she never gives up and defeats any demon and then proposes they become friends in the next life how foolish."you all are worthless your falling in order of who has the worst human parts remaining but that's fine. i don't excpect much from you anyway."

the menacing yet cheery upper rank two gives a smile as he looks up at his master"your saying sad words again..have i ever failed to meet your excpectations?" muzan speaks in a slightly angered tone as he glares at his book"after hundreds of years i still haven't found it nor have i been able to absorb a single jinchuriki they are all dead except one...i no longer know why you all exist anymore."

every single rank other then kokushibo bows to muzan kokushibo states he has no excuse while douma just closes his eyes "i'm no good at detective work..."meanwhile gyokko gets up from his bowing position if he even can bow"lord muzan i'm different i have information to bring your hopes one step closer i just now-"in a millesecond gyokko's head is within muzans hand  as he speaks

"i detest change. "he continues to speak to gyokko about how he prefers the unchanging even though that would be untrue he wants-no he needs some things to change he needs his moons to find that jinchuriki the jinchuriki is the second best thing to the blue spider lily maybe even greater yet that brat always evades her capture her time is beyond long due."from now on, you must struggle with greater desperation it seems i have been too soft on you because you are my upper rank servants."


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"gyokko....when the information is confirmed go there with hantengu"with that he drops the demons head as it hits the floor hantengu remains bowing as he cowers"aieee as you wish!" 'but...but i got the information outrageous but that's alright' douma gives the head a smile"lord gyokko! what information? i want to go too!" "but thats..." "so you won't tell me?! pretty please i'm begging you-"

" "so you won't tell me?! pretty please i'm begging you-"

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"did lord muzan give you an order? get lost!"

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