chapter 62

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"sumiyoshi those who master their trade all arrive at the same place."

The man adorned with hanafuda earrings replies as his companion quietly bites into a rice ball

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The man adorned with hanafuda earrings replies as his companion quietly bites into a rice ball. "Even if times change, or the paths to our destination alter, we are bound to arrive at the same place. You believe we're special, but we're not. We fail to protect what's dear to us and haven't achieved a single thing we ought to have in this life. We are men devoid of worth."the man wearing shuriken earrings stands with his companion as he nods"so please. don't speak of us like we are saviors...not after i was unable to protect the people dear to me i am worthless."

(your p.o.v)

shut up!...just stop please stop saying that about yourself stop making yourself sound worthless your making me feel sad.

i open my eyes to see i'm in a hospital room and there's weight on the side of my bed as i turn my head"hinata? that you?"she raises her head as her eyes widen before she gets up red in the face but then she hugs me as tight as possible

"you told me you wouldn't put yourself in danger but you did it again y/n-san!"i just raise my bandaged arms to pat her back as i hear the sound of a vase clattering to the ground"what are you doing here hinata?"

she wipes the tears that started to pour down her face"i was buried under rubble and wounded so i was brought here after and i met the insect hashira while i was being treated and now i'm training to become a demon slayer under her wing so i can be useful and become a medic then i can stand by your side. not as a civillian as a slayer."

i smile before i get up from the bed she immediately rushes over to help me walk as i make my way to where i heard the vase clattering sliding the door open as i smile immediately"tanjiro your awake too!"i let go of hinata limping over to him as i sit on my knees leaning on the side of his bed

hinata stands next to kanao  shyly"y/ it really you...i'm so so..glad your okay"i nod as i lean my head against the sheets of his bed'took you long enough brat! i had nobody to talk to and it took almost a little bit of my chakra to get that poison out of your system what a waste.'i just scoff within my mind as i space out again appearing in front of the nine tails cage bars 

'wow i'm soooo sorry i was wounded after i fought an upper rank demon nine tails maybe i'll get you a new cell to make up for it' 'don't you get sass mouthed with me brat! you should be thanking me if anything' 

"the-their awake!? you two should be more excited!"

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