chapter 44

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"you humans are so miserable no matter how hard you try this is all you've got how unfortunate."i hold onto tanjiro protecting him as he coughs out  blood the demons smirks widely"your wounds heal very slowly but don't worry about that because i'm about to cut off your head!"as she sends her obi belts towards us nezuko comes from behind her and kicks her in the back of the head sending her rolling across the rooftops causing half of her head to be kicked off

the demon sits on her knees as she yells"i can't believe it i can't believe you did that! why did you do that! wait's you!"

"you and the whiskered brat are the one his lordship was talking about!"i speak loudly as i stand up feeling anger more than i have ever felt before"all human beings have limits but what about demons and hybrids like me our anger has no limitation...

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"you and the whiskered brat are the one his lordship was talking about!"i speak loudly as i stand up feeling anger more than i have ever felt before"all human beings have limits but what about demons and hybrids like me our anger has no limitations our anger is infinite it drives us until the enemy is wiped off the face of the earth that is why we fight that is why i fight! that is why we will never give up!"

the demon seems to pause as she hears a voice ringing in her head'daki my dear there are two mortals who escaped my grasp like tamayo find the demon and finish her then capture the jinchuriki and bring her to me'i stand up as tanjiro passes out fully 'you'll know them when you see them the jinchuriki has whiskers on her cheeks and e/c eyes she's the one to always speak out and bark first though her bite is bigger then her bark you'll know the demon by her kimono she wears a hemp pattern and a checker-board obi'

"yes my lord i'll kill one and capture the other then lay the proof at your feet!"

nezuko dashes at her just like tanjiro as she gets her leg cut off i drop my sword as orange chakra surrounds me and i rush at her too"you stripling demon!"she then severs nezuko in half sending her flying through a bunch of houses i then kick the...

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nezuko dashes at her just like tanjiro as she gets her leg cut off i drop my sword as orange chakra surrounds me and i rush at her too"you stripling demon!"she then severs nezuko in half sending her flying through a bunch of houses i then kick the demons leg from out under her and then slashing her left arm off as he kick her in the back sending her flying near nezuko's direction 

a smile crosses my face as i jump after them i look down on them from above as the demon talks down to nezuko who regenerates her arm and bites the bamboo muzzle causing it to fall as i raise my leg high and start falling bringing my leg down on the demons head as she screams out before jumping away but not without getting her leg cut off nezuko grows a little as flower patterns surround her meanwhile i sprout 5 tails sitting next to nezuko as we both glare at the demon 

a smile crosses my face as i jump after them i look down on them from above as the demon talks down to nezuko who regenerates her arm and bites the bamboo muzzle causing it to fall as i raise my leg high and start falling bringing my leg down on t...

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nezuko goes to throw another kick but gets her arm and leg cut off while i appear behind the demon using one of my tails to cut her deeply then nezuko comes down from above impaling her leg within the demons back as it's over now

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nezuko goes to throw another kick but gets her arm and leg cut off while i appear behind the demon using one of my tails to cut her deeply then nezuko comes down from above impaling her leg within the demons back as it's over now

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