chapter 80

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|muichiro p.o.v|

"nii-san...your alive....nii-san..."

edit: wattpad wouldn't let me do any manga images of yuichiro's death because it DoSen'T fOlLoW gUiDlInE's so i can't show you sadly.

"dear gods...buddha...please...please just spare my brother...unlike me he's a really nice kid...he be useful...and i got in his way...i'm the bad one...if your giving punishment...just give it to me..."

"i knew the whole time...the truth...the mu in the infinity."

if you ever do something to help others you can bring out infinite strength you are a chosen one

if you ever do something to help others you can bring out infinite strength you are a chosen one

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but muichiro. no matter how virtuous you are in life...the gods and buddha won't protect you in the end so i thought i had to protect you

sorry for not being nice to you i never had the capcity to do that i guess being nice to people is something on chosen ones can do.

|nobody's p.o.v|

haganezuka continues to sharpen the blade this time with a missing eye due to gyokko as the demon looks towards kanamori a sword slashes at his neck but he dissapears into his pot before he can be hit appearing in another pot elsewhere surprised that muichiro has been able to escape the water pot

muichiro rushes towards him moving without a struggle even though his body should be numbed by the poison gyokko summons another pot which spews octopus tentacles

octopus pot hell!!!

the tentacles buldge through the shack sending everyone flying out as gyokko yells "hyo hyo! so? how did you like the power of octopus flesh? you can't cut through that

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the tentacles buldge through the shack sending everyone flying out as gyokko yells "hyo hyo! so? how did you like the power of octopus flesh? you can't cut through that." he turns to look at haganezuka who has went back to sharpening the swords without a care "but that's okay too. the hashira first. then the smith...i let my guard down too much before i will crush you and absorb you for sure this time."

suddenly muichiro slashes through the tentacles causing them to let him and kanamori go as he speaks to the swordsmith "you made this blade...for me. thank you kanamori."

"no no i just followed your first blacksmiths instructions and did exactly as he wrote

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"no no i just followed your first blacksmiths instructions and did exactly as he wrote." kanamori speaks up sitting behind muichiro who gets into his stance "oh right...tetsuido made my blades first. he died from a heart attack..." he looks towards gyokko before recieving yet another memory.

"boy i'm worried about you. will anyone ever understand you? how much you've gone through. how close you've cut it. how uneasy you are because of your amnesia and how you worked so hard you coughed blood. will anyone ever understand? whenever i see the sword i made for you tears come out of my eyes...i don't have long to live i'm not old enough to start fearing death but your still making me worry here."

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