rengoku is on a mission in a village when he finds a small child that is shunned by everyone turns out this little girl has a nine tailed fox demon sealed inside her in short she's a jinchuriki the demon slayer corps take this girl in order to study...
tanjiro announces how the train isn't safe as both me and inosuke jump inside"shadow clone jutsu!" a bunch of my clones appear as we begin slashing through all the stuff surrounding the sleeping passangers I hear thunder and fire coming from a few cars behind me as my clones create a rasengan in my hand as I slam it into the tentecal things as it causes a gigantic blast throughout the entire train car and destroys all the tentecals as I continue doing my rasengans a long with my clones
I feel the entire train rumble as inosuke and tanjiro head towards the front car where the coal is stockpiled seeing my few train cars are all clear I jump on top of the train again as I run with them feeling a disgusting feeling coming from the front car
we reach the front car of which the conductor is in as we find the demons weak spot snoticing a bunch of hands as we slash through them and try and cut through the demons neck as the conductor comes and stabs tanjiro and yells"don't get in the way of my good dreams!"I kick him in the face knocking him out cold as we continue trying to kill the demon
as I back up summoning my shadow clones as I take a deep breath this is gonna use all my chakra but it's worth a shot the shadow clones make a gaint rasengan in my hand as tanjiro uses hinokami kagura and I jump off the shadow clones"hinokami kagura: blue heaven!" "uzumaki breathing: rasengan!"
as the rasengan makes contact it blows us all back and leaves a bunch of burn marks on my arm as the front car is severed and tanjiro catches me as the backlash of the attack settles down before we hear the demon scream in terror as the train falls sideways and both me and tanjiro fall to the ground I am fully exhausted of chakra and tanjiro's stab wound is getting to him
I do total consentration breathing to gather my chakra as the demon turns to ash and flame guy stares at us both"so you both can use your total concentration breathing all the time now impressive impressive!" he then tells us how long it's gonna take for us to become hashira"kamado boy you have a broken blood vessel in your stomach and y/n you have multiple in your arm focus there stop the bleeding and hemerage"
we do so as I focus on my breathing and my wound slowly starts to heal as the nine tails chakra surrounds the wound and flame guy looks on with amazement and so does tanjiro suddenly a loud sound Is heard In front of us as a demon lands there and turns to look at us I notice the kanji in his eyes'upper moon three'
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looks like things are about to go down.
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