rengoku is on a mission in a village when he finds a small child that is shunned by everyone turns out this little girl has a nine tailed fox demon sealed inside her in short she's a jinchuriki the demon slayer corps take this girl in order to study...
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"say something you dunce! you really get under my skin you miserable brat!"
"no it's just that you told me to shut my mouth...also i'm not the least bit-" gyokko lunges towards muichiro fist raised to rain down on the hashira's face. "surprised."
gyokkos fist connects with something but when the smoke clears muichiro is sitting in a tree fish flopping off of his skinthe attack only hit his clothes thankfully.
"didn't you just tell me not to flee into the trees! what a pain."
muichiro pushes the fish away from his body speaking in that same monotone voice "no it's just that nose can't handle it
gyokko raises a palm little sparkles appearing around it "what do you think of my godlike hands? anyone my fists touch turns into an adorable fish! and my speed. my body is flexable and tough and thanks to my flexible scales i can bend in any direction i like! your trembling are you scared? my strongest attacks where just for show."
"..even the strongest attacks are pointless if they don't hit."
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{muichiro p.o.v}
remember....that boiling anger. i saw maggots crawling on my beloved brother as his body rotted. maggots even got into my own body i saw the abyss of death....if help hadn't come along i would have died. even if i lose my memory my body will remember that anger that will not leave me until i die. it's why i trained so hard that i vomited blood
to destroy demons and more. to eradicate them!
"behold my magnificence when i get serious!" blood demon art killer fish scales!
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"how do you like my moves? they defy the laws of nature! thanks to my scales i have complete freedom of movement it's impossible to predict! i love contradicting the laws of nature!...what kind of food shall i make of you? i'll rip off that ugly head of yours and replace it with a beautiful fish head!"
gyokko appearce behind muichiro slashing him in half only for him to dissapear into a haze of mist multuple depictions of him appear all around the demonbut when slashed they also poof into mist "hey you! you.... did you think you were the only one who wasn't being serious before?"
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