chapter 26

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|the things I learned from you|

a few months of healing and training in the butterfly estate later  we are all healed up and butterfly lady is checking our conditions before we can finally go back on missions and stuff"say ahh"she instructs me and tanjiro as we do so"yup there is no more problems with your jaws and y/n I already had tested your ankle it's fully healed also"

"i'm sorry I can't see you all off but please do your best from now on!" "thanks a lot we had a whole lotta fun training here ya know!"I reply with my same smile as tanjiro agrees with me and her expression softens as tanjiro asks her about hinokami kagura and she says she doesn't know much but her expression turns serious when she faces me

"and y/n during the meeting I have examined the seal of which all your nine tails energy or chakra is what you call it when you enter nine tails mode the more anger you are feeling the more tails will sprout and while the chakra is healing you it also damages your body and heals it rapidly tanjiro I am entrusting you to help keep y/n here under control and for you y/n please stay calm on your next few missions"

both me and tanjiro nod"you can trust me i'll make sure of it!"he yells out excitedly as I smile at him  she then tells tanjiro about flame guy and how he uses the breath of flames as she goes to ask the crow on the window sill both me and tanjiro exit the room as some guy crashes into us-

"hey you I remember you your from final selection I forgot your name but i'm y/n gyomei-sensei's tsuguko!" tanjiro tries to stop me from causing a ruckus but then the guy spins around with an angry look"wait what! i'm gyomei's tsuguko not you brat and also it's genya!" we both glare at me as I roll up one of my sleeves but tanjiro holds me back

after that we bid aoi farewell and then I spot kanao as I walk towards her"hey kanao how are you doing!"she turns her head as tanjiro follows behind me as we are talking to her she stays silent before pulling out a coin and flipping it as she finally speaks with a smile on her face

"I just followed my intructors orders there is no reason to give me thanks so goodbye."I sit down behind tanjiro my back against his as I tun towards her with a head tilt

"what's with the dumb coin anyways?"tanjiro covers my mouth as he speaks in his same kind tone before kanao speaks again"I decided to flip this when i'm not being instructed, I decided weather I should talk to you both or not heads means'I won't talk'and tails means'I will talk'and it landed on tails so I talked"

I have a look on my face that shows I have no idea what she's talking about as I remove tanjiro's hand from my mouth before speaking"why can't you decide on your own instead of relying on a dumb little coin?" a few minutes later tanjiro and kanao come to an agreement he will flip the coin if it lands on heads she'll live by her heart desires tails she won't

it lands on heads as I smile and both me and tanjiro tell her to live by her hearts desires as we rush off soon enough me tanjiro inosuke and zenitsu bid the butterfly girls farewell before arriving at a train station I am looking at the train awe struck and so is inosuke

we have to meet up with flame guy on a mission it's been such a long time since i've seen him and I even got a call from gyomei-sensei's crow that once I finish this mission he's gonna teach me a new jutsu called wind style rasen shuriken to make it more...original

Mugen train here we come!

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