chapter 55

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|the defeated|

they both shut up as tanjiro closes his eyes sadly while i speak in a less irritated tone"stop fighting. stop yelling at eachother and accept that your dying it's the end of this life but you'll have eachother for eternity stop this petty fighting and once you finally achive that in the next life i'll become your friend."

daki stays silent for a moment before finally bursting out crying"waaaaaah! you keep out of this! don't lecture us your so annoying i can't stand it gyutaro do something!"

her head finally starts to turn to ash as she yells for her brother who's being kept quiet by tanjiro i stand behind her and watch as she cries loudly"i don't want to die! help m-"

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her head finally starts to turn to ash as she yells for her brother who's being kept quiet by tanjiro i stand behind her and watch as she cries loudly"i don't want to die! help m-"

she finally turns into ash tears dissapearing lost in wind before she can call for help and i clench my fists as tanjiro lets go gyutaro yells"ume!"why do the broken people not given a second chance why are the best people killed why are the gods so cruel why is the world so cruel to those who are broken

(gyutaro p.o.v)

we came from the lowest caste of the entertainment district kids are a nuisance there it costs so much to keep them alive. before you where born they almost killed me many times and after your birth i was just in the way my body was weak but like a hollow tree i clung to life they called me a worm a simpleton a stupid coward a good-for-nothing people mocked my voice and my looks they called me filth and threw rocks at me

 before you where born they almost killed me many times and after your birth i was just in the way my body was weak but like a hollow tree i clung to life they called me a worm a simpleton a stupid coward a good-for-nothing people mocked my voice ...

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i was a miserable ugly dirty creature always covered with lice and dan-druff i had fleas and i smelled awful people loathed me especially in the entertainment district where beauty was prized above all else i was a monster.

when i was hungry i ate mice and insects my only toy was a sickle that someone left behind but once ume was born something began to change inside me ume you gave me my pride  even when you where very young you had such a pretty face that it stunned people 

when i was hungry i ate mice and insects my only toy was a sickle that someone left behind but once ume was born something began to change inside me ume you gave me my pride  even when you where very young you had such a pretty face that it stunne...

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i found out i was good at fighting so i worked as a debt collector people found me creepy. they feared me i liked that feeling i became proud of my ugliness and with such a beautiful sister i began to lose my sense of inferiority it felt like our lives were finally going in a good direction 

until i was 13 and you used...

until i was 13 and you used

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