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name: y/n

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name: y/n

age: 14

status: alive

hatred: 10 [safe zone]

[your hatred meter will go up and down for the hatred you feel towards a demon WARNING WARNING never let it reach 100]

looks: h/c |means hair color| e/c |means eye color| also you have whiskers because of the nine tailed fox|

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|welcome to the taishio era! y/n uzumaki please enjoy|

y/n uzumaki lives in a small village she was looked down apoun for a reason she never knew  everywhere she went she was treated with hate and resentment and avoided like the plauge.

all she wanted was friends but she could never make any little does she know she is the host of the nine tailed fox daughter of minato namikaze and kushina uzumaki this girl is actually a powerhouse in order to get the people of her village to finally respect her she will become the strongest hashira alive

being hunted down by all of demon kind because muzan wants to get his hands onto the nine tails but a wrench is thrown at his plan when she meets a hashira now lets watch her meet embark on an adventure and achive her dream of becoming a hashira and maybe she'll make a few friends along the way!

|what is a jinchuriki?|

well a jincuriki is a host to a tailed demon the amount of their tails is the amount of power they have so a jincuriki is basiclly half demon but unlike other hybrids they have conquered the sun as soon as they where born y/n is the only jinchuriki left because the others have been executed for being hosts to a demon.

[FUN FACT! tailed beasts date all the way back to the sengoku era when yoriichi tsugikuni was still alive]

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