rengoku is on a mission in a village when he finds a small child that is shunned by everyone turns out this little girl has a nine tailed fox demon sealed inside her in short she's a jinchuriki the demon slayer corps take this girl in order to study...
a woman with long red hair runs throughout the woods tears stream down her cheeks as her husband tries to hold off the powerful demon blood seeps from the deep wound from a sword that was previously impaled in her stomach
in her arms a small child with newly grown h/c and unopened eyes along with whiskers decorating her cheeks on the baby girls belly a seal holding in the danger that used to lurk within her mother the baby whines as her mother whispers"hush hush y/n everything will be fine...."
she continues running holding the adorable child in her arms as she hears something she'd never want to hear in her entire life the hush voice of her husband Minato calling out"please survive kushina y/n..i'm sorry but this is it..."tears pour down her cheeks faster as she continues running as fast as she can
she gets snagged on a sharp branch it being impaled in her already deep wound as she continues running the sound of the demon chasing after her can be heard as she slows down crouching behind the bushes as she tries to hush down her newborn infant
"you can't hide forever kushina Lord muzans has ordered me to exterminate both you and your husband come out and i'll make this quick."the deep and gruff voice of the demon peirces through the thick tension as she covers her mouth cradling the child as she tries not to make a sound
the sound of her tears hitting the soil alerted the demon as it appears behind her quickly slashing her throat wide open as she falls to the ground holding her crying infant as she whispers out a lullaby through chocked words"hush my darling child....mommy's here..." the cries of her child are hushed as her mothers blood drips onto the ground
"y/n from now on whatever you do I will love you always...."with that the mother breathes out her last breath as the demon stares down at the whining infant the demon is very elegant looking long hair six eyes pale skin and a traditional outfit a sheathed blade at it's side I the middle row of it's eyes there is kanji that reads upper rank one
the demon bends down picking up the child as she grasps onto one of it's fingers it unsheathes it's blade as it holds the tip of the blade up to the throat of the child but pauses it's hand twitching as it grips the handle of the blade harder
how pitiful it managed to kill both parents but can't even manage to get rid of the child it sheathes it's blade before walking through the woods eventually arriving at the leaf village of which is very destroyed because of the nine tails attack he caused
he puts the child outside of the village gates as the village leader spots the child picking it up before looking out into the forest and sending a few of his guards to search for the parents of the child as the demon turns and leaves to inform it's master of a mission complete
(your p.o.v)
I sit up dreched in sweat as I look around the room seeing tanjiro inosuke and zenitsu all fast asleep in the beds next to mine as I wipe the sweat of my brow who was that demon and I actually had parents....maybe it was just some random dream...I lay back down easily falling asleep as I start to think of my favorite thing in the entire world....ramen
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