chapter 72

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a quick authors note thank you guys! and girls and they them's i originally just created fox because of a dream i had and i never thought it would get this popular but here we are i would never be so popular without all my dear readers so thank you all so so much please enjoy the chapter!

|wanted: respect|

tanjiro sniffs the air before he seems to detect the other demon too before yelling "genya! straight to the northeast the fifth one is hunkered down there nezuko go help genya!" before she can get the chance there's another large gust of wind as i grab onto my sword which is sticking out of the ground 

the lighting demon raises his weapon before nezuko jumps at him but then she3e gets stabbed right in the stomach by the sad looking one

tanjiro cuts off the lighting demons arm as i go for karaku slicing both his arms off before he regenerates i slice his tounge so his regeneration slows down nezuko sets the sad one on fire as he yells out in pain 

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tanjiro cuts off the lighting demons arm as i go for karaku slicing both his arms off before he regenerates i slice his tounge so his regeneration slows down nezuko sets the sad one on fire as he yells out in pain 

(genya's p.o.v)

i continue to try and slice the tiny demon shooting at it but it's way too small to hit! i suddenly halt as one of the other four demons appears behind me going to stab me in the neck i can't heal my neck in time...sanemi. i wanted to become a you could respect me and i wanted to apologize for that one time...

my mother was a very small woman it didn't take a long time for me to grow taller then her she worked from morning until night i never saw her sleep my father was big but a good for nothing he was stabbed by his rival and died which was just what he deserved my father often hit my mother and us dispite her small frame she always sheilded us from my father he was just like a monster

she was a hero to me. "mother hasn't come home is she alright?" i turn my head to face one of my little siblings they are right mother is usually never out this late..."it's alrught sanemi is looking for her." sanemi left a few hours ago to search for mother and he hasn't come back either but i need to stay strong for them..."but mother's never been out this late." "it's alright you must be tired go to sleep i'm sure she'll be back once you all wake up"

i can't say i'm not worried though...mother has never been out this late and it's been hours since sanemi left to go find her but i have to stay strong like mother always tells me to be for her and for my little siblings...but this is so unusual there's suddenly a knock on the door as my siblings run to answer it "wait that might not be mother!"

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