chapter 33

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|what you are seeking|

(nobody p.o.v)

a young boy sits inside his quarters reading a book like every other young boy seeking succses when upper rank three appears at his open shoji doors bowing still regenerating his missing skin "i have come to make a report muzan-sama"

the boys eyes turn cheery red with slit pupils as he speaks a chilling deep voice that belongs to the one and only kibutsuji muzan"did you find what we talked about?" "i did some investigation but there is no reliable information and i cannot even conform it's existance  i could not find the blue spider lily"

"so?"muzan answers turning a page in his book"from now on i will do my best to live up to your excpectations but i have also seen her the girl with whisker's on her cheeks her name is y/n though i was unable to capture her....and unable to kill the flame hashira that was there but i did severely wound him"

muzan grips onto the book slowly loosing his temper"it's only a hashira and yet you did not even manage to kill him or capture the whiskered girl and instead let her slip from your fingers it shouldn't be that complicated yet no demon of mine is able to capture her what is the meaning of this?"

"your telling me you only managed to wound a hashira with pride and yet there where four demon slayers there one of which was the nine tails why didn't you deal with them and capture her and i specificlly let you head there since you where close akaza! akaza! akaza!"blood comes from the demons mouth and soon his skin starts to crack

"your telling me you only managed to wound a hashira with pride and yet there where four demon slayers there one of which was the nine tails why didn't you deal with them and capture her and i specificlly let you head there since you where close a...

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"i am dissipointed in you to think that you took severe danage and one blow from demon slayers who aren't even hashira. so even'upper moon three' was brought to the ground begone."

(at the butterfly estate your p.o.v)

i slowly wake up to see i'm in a bed next to flame guys inosuke and zenitsu are at my side as zenitsu hugs me tightly"y/n i'm so glad your awake you even saved rengoku-san this is why you need to marry me!"i just smile hugging him back as inosuke laughs"yeah i gotta admit that ultra big ball rasengan move you did was awsome not better than me of course but still!"

i give him my same smile before turning to flame guy who is resting peacfully his chest moving up and down slowly and he's all patched up too butterfly lady must have done a real great job but i notice someone is missing"hey where's tanjiro?" "oh he went to inform rengoku-san's family about what happened"

i lay back in my hospital bed looking at my heavily banaged arm which i probably gained after using the rasengan but i gotta hurry up and heal so i can tell gyomei-sensei-

as if on cue the door slides open revealing gyomei-sensei who walks over to my bed and puts one of his large hands on my head ruffling my hair as he smiles kindly"i'm very proud of you y/n if you managed to pull of a rasengan that big then your more than ready to begin the wind stlye rasen shuriken and you saved rengoku's life rest well so we can get back to training"

i smile widely at him as he moves his hand down to his side whispering a prayer for flame guy before turning and leaving i have so many freinds a mentor and i fight for good and get a little injured during the process but it's all worth it in the end

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