chapter 1

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|the village hidden in the leaves|

(your pov)

i walked through the village as always looking down at the ground as i hear the disgusted voices of everybody around me i walk to ichiraku ramen the only place that didn't shut it's doors when i walked past i sit on one of the stools as the ramen guy smiles at me"welcome y/n back for some ramen!"i nod as he gets to whipping up my favorite ramen.

when a big guy walks next to me and sits down on the stool he sat next to me! must be some kind of new person once he hears from the villagers he won't sit next to me ever again i took my time to look at him he had this whole flame type look with flamed colored hair which really stood out to me and is that a katana at his side?

"two bowls of ramen please!" his loud voice rang through the shop it was loud but not loud enough to distract the entire village"coming right up sir"the ramen guy replies as he sets three bowls down one for me and two for the flame dude

 i watched as the flame guy took out his chop sticks and picked up some ramen before quickly slurping it down"umai!" he yelled out after swallowing it 

i quickly started eating my ramen my eating pace matching his"umai!" "umai!" "umai!" he kept shouting that until he finally finished both his bowls in a matter of minutes I looked at him amazed as I watched him slam his bowl down on the table"more...

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i quickly started eating my ramen my eating pace matching his"umai!" "umai!" "umai!" he kept shouting that until he finally finished both his bowls in a matter of minutes I looked at him amazed as I watched him slam his bowl down on the table"more please!" i slam mine down just like him"yeah some more for me too!" "hey hey hey! don't break my bowls you idiots!"the ramen guy shouted as we both just laughed

i quickly started eating my ramen my eating pace matching his"umai!" "umai!" "umai!" he kept shouting that until he finally finished both his bowls in a matter of minutes I looked at him amazed as I watched him slam his bowl down on the table"more...

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|small timeskip at night|

i was walking back to my small cramped apartment like always well it's better that nobody is awake at this time of night so i don't get any hateful glares suddenly a bunch of kids my age surround me one grabbing me by my hair"well well well if it isn't the little freak what are you doing out so late!" "yeah freak just crawl in a ditch and die!".

i tried to pull away only to find myself restrained by the arms by two of them as the girl infornt of me pulls out a small knife"no! let go of me you jerks!"i yell as i start kicking and thrasing around"shut her up before we get caught!".

one of the people restraining me puts a hand over my mouth i bite their hand as they quickly drop me"ow! she bit my hand!" "i'm tired of my mom always ignoring me just so she can be disgusted by you die!"my eyes widen as she's about to bring the knife down on me

"hey what's going on here!"

|you've unlocked a new charater!|

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|you've unlocked a new charater!|

|you've unlocked rengoku kyojuro!|

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|you've unlocked rengoku kyojuro!|

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