chapter 74

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|forgive me.|

(genya p.o.v)

"hey your genya right. gyomei-sensei wanted me to "get along with you" so now i'm here"

i just scoff turning my head towards the girl why does she has whiskers what is she some kind of cat..."fox! not a cat." "do foxes even have whiskers" "wha- of course they do dummy!"

how'd she even know what i was thinking she can read minds or something...not like i care anyway i'm just focused on becoming a hashira and maybe knocking her of her high horse while i'm at it. "i can sense emotions and i sensed confusion and a lot of people get my whiskers mixed up for those of a cat then those of a fox...hey your scar guys little brother right?" "scar guy?..." "scar guy means sanemi that sanemi guy!" does she know sanemi. "it's a long story but you too look so alike with the same angry face and all that. gyomei-sensei told me you can't use breathing stlyes...i just wanted to say that...even if you can't use breathing stlyes your still cool in my book genya!...or should i call you scar guys genya's fine anyway do you like ramen i like ramen-" she begins to ramble on and on as i smile she thinks i'm cool.."thanks fox brat."

the demons staff barely grazes my neck as orange chakra surrounds it's now cut off arm "genya! don't tell me your giving up that fast aren't you supposed to be a hashira before me genya shinazugawa!"

you...why do you always have to be stuck on my every thought what is it about you...y/n uzumaki...

(your p.o.v)

i run towards the smaller demon before looking behind me to see the sad one chasing after me before throwing a bunch of it's spear weapons i duck down immediately "wait....huh" "get up brat. go get that demon. i'll allow it this time"

i turn to see him with a bunch of holes in his body before nodding "uzumaki breathing: lighting speed!" my sword slams against it's neck as it screams out it's neck is too hard to cut through why can't i-....i pause every bone in my body seems to stop moving and even my heart stops what is this presence...this awful presence it's stronger then any other demon here move...move move!

suddenly tanjiro appears behind me to try and block the demons attack as a bunch of trees sprout from the ground but nezuko comes saving me and tanjiro from getting snapped in half by a wooden dragon we land a few feet away as i check on nezuko's leg which already regenerated but still "nezuko are you alright!" i turn my head to face the demon who made me feel actual fear as my eyes turn red and my fingers turn to claws how dare they...hurt my friends and think they can get away!

"you brutes who torment the weak! unpleasantness unhappiness extremity"

"you awful villans!"

"you awful villans!"

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